Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Mission: Malawi 2017

No shortage of Living Water

Flooding, drought, failed harvests, and near famine conditions have plagued southern Malawi the past two years. Malawi ranks among the 15 poorest countries in the world, so conditions have been crippling.

We pray for a healing rain in this troubled land in southern Africa.

“This severe drought has caused lots of devastation in the country,” said Pastor Duncan Nyozani, a long-time Climbing For Christ member and founder of partner Searchlight Ministries. “This is the first time in the history of Malawi to see boreholes drying up due to drought.”

A catastrophic flood in January 2015 was followed by a drought that stunted the growth of maize and wreaked havoc on the harvest of this staple food. Dependency on imported maize drove up the price for people who mostly live in poverty.

Climbing For Christ has been supplying what the Lord has provided: tens of thousands of dollars in funding for food relief for hundreds of families in Duncan’s churches; food, clothing and housing for widows; and the usual support for orphans covered by Project 1:27 sponsorship.
But the need continues to grow at an unrelenting pace. More funding is required for seed and fertilizer for planting, and for digging deeper borehole wells to find water. Duncan estimated US$5,000 for seed, $5,000 for fertilizer, and at least $7,500 for every well that is dug.

Pray for the God of the impossible to continue to amaze in the way He moves among the people of Malawi. At the same time, we lift our short-term mission to Malawi in late June. May workers sensitive to ministering to a hurting people be sent to GO with C4C.

While focusing on so many physical needs, Climbing For Christ continues to address spiritual needs in Malawi.

Damson Samson, our Malawi-based missionary to East Africa, started Bible studies for widows (the least of the least of these in his home community) and is training guides and porters in the Mulanje Massif Chapter about evangelism. Mission: Malawi 2017 will include an opportunity to spend time with Mulanje Chapter members on the country’s expansive highpoint (reaching 3,002 meters/9,849 feet).

We hope to help Duncan build a house of worship for a church plant that is overflowing from a school classroom.

We also are targeting an unengaged unreached people group – the Ngoni people – as part of our commitment to finishing the task.
We desire to provide not only food for the hungry, but the Bread of Life. We seek to deliver not just water for the thirsty, but Living Water.

Mission: Malawi is scheduled June 22-July 2. Email for trip information and to ask for a mission application.



Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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