Gary Fallesen / Saturday, August 11, 2012 / Categories: Haiti, Mission: Haiti 2012, Mission Moments Mission Moment: Aug. 11, 2012 Haitian missionary Miguel Rubén Guante returned from another successful visit to Mare Pitre. “My trip was good,” he reported. “I contacted some of the first group (five families that accepted Christ on the initial evangelizing visit two weeks previous) and I met others.” Praising God for this group of new believers in the remote Haitian border town of Mare Pitre. “The last large group agree to (meet) for my next trip to worship together on Saturday, Aug. 18 and Sunday, Aug. 19,” Miguel said. “I have contacted 11 families. That may be a great group or no. When I gather with them and we are worshiping I will have a clear idea of our project. The village is large, but the houses are far away one by another. Once we may start a church and get a leader to guide, it soon will grow.” A man receiving the Good News of Jesus Christ in Mare Pitre, a village that is quite arid despite the start of the rainy season. Ernesto was the first storm to affect Haiti with winds and rains keeping most Monte Pou Kris churches from worshiping on Sunday, Aug. 5. “I give thanks to God for He brought me back home safely,” Miguel said. “I give thanks too to God for He desired to use me to bring those who He want to be saved.” Mission Moment: July, 29, 2012 Mission Moment: Aug. 24, 2012 Print 3398 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author