Mission Moments: Haiti
Saintela well and heading home
After undergoing surgery on March 25th to have an obstructive tumor in her mouth removed, Saintela returned to the hospital in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic for a follow up visit. Once there, doctors checked on her surgical site and gave her the results of the biopsy from the tumor.

Saintela outside the hospital.
“Praise the Lord,” C4C’s missionary to Haiti, Miguel Rubén Guante wrote, “the result of the biopsy is good. She has not bad cancer.” We praise the Lord with Miguel and Saintela for this wonderful news! In addition, Miguel also informed us that the surgical site is healing well. Saintela has been given a list of needed medicine and is allowed to go back to her home, near the village of Malasi, where C4C has been serving the physical and spiritual needs of the people for several years now. She will need to return to Santo Domingo once more in May.
Please join us in giving thanks to the Lord for all He has done!
To help provide for the cost of Saintela's care, send donations to Climbing For Christ, c/o Mission: Haiti, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.