Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Appreciating the time given by God

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

Mulanje Massif Chapter guides and porters in disciple-making training in southern Malawi. (Photos by Damson Samson)

Damson Samson shared what he referred to as “a wakeup call” when guides and porters in the Mulanje Massif Chapter met in April for their quarterly disciples-making-disciples study. “This was just a reminder to be appreciating time we have been given for we don’t know the why of the time given to us,” our Malawi-based Kingdom worker said.

“We were looking at what Climbing For Christ is doing in training porters and guides; it (the ‘why’) might not be clear today, but in the near future we might have a more meaningful interpretation.”

One never knows what God is preparing them for. We might think we know and it might be for something good – and then God gives us a great assignment.

“I asked them to honor such times for it is not easy (to discern),” Damson said.

A time of prayer.

The chapter meeting of 18 members was bathed in prayer, not just for their training but also for the leadership of Climbing For Christ, our families, Mission: Indonesia 2019 (which was occurring at the same time), and God’s provision to the ministry. They gave thanks “especially to our dear friends who have been so supportive with what they have to HIS glory,” Damson said.

Then the meeting turned to the ongoing training from The Timothy Initiative, a U.S.-based ministry focused on disciple-making (2 Timothy 2:2) across Africa and Asia. Climbing For Christ has been blessed to take TTI studies and apply them to our training with Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters in Tanzania and Mulanje Massif Chapter members in southern Malawi. In Malawi, we translate the resources into the Chichewa language.

Damson led our Mulanje disciples through two chapters in the nine-chapter study: “Important Bible Doctrines” (chapter 7) on the first day and “How to Defend Your Faith” (chapter 8) on the second day.

The second day opened with another “wakeup message,” Damson said. “I was hurried to share with them that God does not move with the number but with hearts which are ready to take a step to change things and bring glory to God.

“It was shocking and surprising to some members in learning about cults and religions (in the chapter on defending our faith). Those are not common here. It gave them more awareness and helped much for their spiritual growth and maturity.”

Wells sharing with the chapter.

Wells Mission, one of the chapter’s leaders and the first guide C4C met during our inaugural trip to Malawi in 2010, called Climbing For Christ “the best teacher in the lives of porters and guides around Mulanje mountain.” He said that those able to put lessons learned into action will be more productive.

“He continued thanking God for bringing change to many lives around the globe by (disciple and evangelism) trainings,” Damson said.

Samson Khalani, another leader, also gave thanks for the pig project “that has been helpful to the lives of these porters and blessed family members. Some they sell (pigs) to buy fertilizer and some are paying (school) fees to their children. May the LORD bless Climbing For Christ for these developments.”

John Molen, the third chapter leader, asked members to “continually pray for the leadership of Climbing For Christ so this vision continues – for it is not easy to run such a thing.”

Many of the members being trained have testimonies to share since Climbing For Christ began teaching them in 2016. The TTI disciples-making-disciples training, which started last August on Mission: Malawi 2018 on Mulanje Massif, is scheduled to conclude in August with the graduation of those who have attended the lessons faithfully. 

Climbing For Christ provides funding for meals, transportation, and the translation and printing of resources into the native Chichewa language.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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