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Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Malawi

Food provided in Malawi by God

Bright Muhava. (Photos by Duncan Nyozani)

Food was distributed to 100 members of the church at Kambona by Pastor Duncan Nyozani on Wednesday, Nov. 2 and to another 30 members attending Bible study the next day. Hundreds more received food after worship on Sunday, Nov. 6.

“May the Lord God be glorified for this miracle of food provision,” Bright Muhava told Duncan. “I was away searching for (work) to get money for food, but could not get any work. But here comes God’s provision.”

God is providing Duncan’s Searchlight Ministries with $3,000 per month for six months in famine relief. This was an answer to prayer.

Duncan, in the center of the photo below during distribution of maize, said “people are very happy and very thankful.”

We quoted Duncan in an E-Alert on Oct. 6 saying that they were praying “to get US$3,000 every month from (October) to March 2017.” The answer to this request came almost immediately as a C4C Canada member was moved to respond.

Food was immediately distributed to the elderly.

“They were very shocked to receive this maize and they are very thankful for the donation,” Duncan said about the widows in his church who received the first of the 50-kilogram bags. “They say life is very tough to them as they stay many days without eating and some days eating only green mangoes.”

Eme Matope.

Eme Matope told Duncan: “I am very amazed to receive this food that will last for a month. Praise the Lord. I have stayed one week without eating; this is really a miracle to me. Please extend my sincere thanks to the people who have donated this.”

We extend our thanks to God for their daily bread.


The church at Msema is blessed by a food delivery.

“The famine is still very worse,” Duncan said. “It has now affected other things, like electricity in the country. We depend on our electricity from Shire River, a main river from Lake Malawi. Unfortunately, this river’s flow is low because of little water from Lake Malawi (and that is) causing major blackouts in the country.

“Another terrible news is that some boreholes (wells) have started drying up.”

As a result, Duncan said, people are getting water “from bad sources causing typhoid fever in the community.”

Join us in praying for relief for the hungry and hurting in Malawi, while we give thanks for God’s continuing provision.

“…let us press on to know the LORD; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” — Hosea 6:3 (ESV)


The church at Kambona takes home food after worship on Sunday, Nov. 6.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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