Mission Moments: NEPAL
Happy birthday, Jesus!
Thirty-nine children from the Climbing For Christ-supported SARA Ministries’ orphanages outside of Kathmandu celebrated CHRISTmas together with gifts, a meal, music and a birthday cake for Jesus. “It was a great blessing for our children as they smiled during the celebration,” said Pastor Tej, a C4C member and the founder of SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians). “Children received winter clothes as well as gifts. They praise God for loving them and they are thankful for their sponsors.”
C4C sponsors provided US$1,400 for the children for CHRISTmas.
Gideon, left, and Pastor Tej’s son, Milan, playing music for the CHRISTmas party.
“We sang CHRISTmas songs and the children all danced together,” Tej said. “On behalf of SARA home I want to say thank you to all the sponsors for partnering with us. We are grateful. It is God’s will for Project 1:27, which truly gives hope and a future for orphans, abandoned and street children. God be praised and God bless you all!”
Girls at one of the orphanages perform a dance for the Lord. “Praise the Lord for such beautiful daughters the Lord has given to us as well as the pastor's couple who are taking responsibility to care for them and be their parents,” Tej said.
Sponsor a child
To sponsor a Project 1:27 orphan in Nepal CLICK HERE.
The Word
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” – James 1:27 (ESV)