Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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The Cure

Music video by the children at the C4C-sponsored SARA Home in Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 403

The orphans of Climbing For Christ’s Project 1:27 at SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) Children’s Home in Kathmandu, Nepal dance for King Jesus because they know He is The Cure for the world. Song by Unspoken. Video by Elaine Fallesen.

Project 1:27 Nepal

Sponsor a child

Gary Fallesen 0 15353

There are about three dozen children cared for outside of Kathmandu by Nepali ministry partner SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians). We support SARA Home and these children through Project 1:27, which is based on James 1:27 (“...look after orphans and widows in their distress”).

Mission Moments: Malawi

Gary Fallesen 0 2089
A special gift: snacking on a Bible study Children sponsored by Project 1:27 received new Bibles on Wednesday in Malawi. (Photos by Duncan Nyozani) Climbing For Christ has received several unexpected gifts through the years from people (often young people) moved by the Spirit to support His...

Mission Moments: Malawi and Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 4418
Looking after orphans and widows By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ “But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.” &ndash...

Sponsor a Child

Gary Fallesen 0 9892

Project 1:27 Malawi Climbing For Christ was introduced to the plight of what was then called Searchlight Orphan Care in Malawi, Africa on Oct. 25, 2009, when a thief broke into the orphanage and robbed all of the children’s food. Seven bags of maize, two bags of beans, five liters of cookin...

Project 1:27 Malawi

Gary Fallesen 0 4392
Every month should be CHRISTmas CHRISTmas gift: on safari in Malawi. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani) God used Project 1:27 sponsors and supporters from the U.S. and Canada to provide children in southern Malawi with “a very wonderful CHRISTmas. The kids were very happy,” sa...

Project 1:27 Malawi

Gary Fallesen 0 6129
Jesus comes to four more orphans Catherine Gwembere with bedding and clothing provided through C4C Canada funding. Here is my story: My name is Catherine Gwembere. I am 8 years old. I am in grade 4. I lost my dad in 2007, when I was only 1 year old. He died of HIV/AIDS after a long ill...

Mission Moments: MALAWI

Gary Fallesen 0 5923
Orphans go climbing for CHRIST(mas) Pastor Duncan and his Searchlight Ministries’ orphan care rented a van for a CHRISTmas Eve daytrip to Mulanje Massif. The children, who are supported prayerfully and financially by Climbing For Christ, hiked to a spectacular waterfall and enjoyed lunch ...

Mission Moments: NEPAL

Gary Fallesen 0 4858
Happy birthday, Jesus! Orphans go climbing for CHRIST(mas) in Malawi Thirty-nine children from the Climbing For Christ-supported SARA Ministries’ orphanages outside of Kathmandu celebrated CHRISTmas together with gifts, a meal, music and a birthday cake for Jesus. “It was a...

Project 1:27 Updates: Visiting Orphans

Gary Fallesen 0 8489
By Gary Fallesen Founding president, Climbing For Christ Catherine. (Photo by Duncan Nyozani) Catherine Gwembere is 8 years old and in grade 2 in Singano village in southern Malawi. Her father died of HIV/AIDS in 2007, when she was only 1. “She cannot remember her dad and has never tas...
