Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: NIGERIA

A door opens in Nigeria

“…for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” – 1 Corinthians 16:9 (ESV)

As we shared about the threats of Boko Haram in northeastern Nigeria [see ‘I am Nigerian’] and prayed specifically for the work God has for Climbing For Christ among remote people living in the mountains there, a door was opened. When Pastor Chris Joseph, a C4C member and ministry partner in Nigeria, contacted Chief Moses of the Koma people about our next visit to the Atlantika Mountains, the chief informed us that he would be sending his son back to the Christian south where Chris lives. Immediately the prospect arose of sending young Moses to Bible school and, in Chris’s words, having him “groomed to go back to the Koma Hills and work as C4C’s missionary there – this would be a great feat by C4C.”

We prayed. We explored further. We began to make plans to fulfill God’s dream for young Moses’s life.

Moses, left, during Mission: Nigeria 2011.

“Since Chief Moses is moved to release his son to missionaries, I feel that God has a purpose for his life,” Pastor Chris agreed. “You can recall that Moses served as our guide and interpreter (on Mission: Nigeria 2011) and although he does not speak English language fluently, his interpretation was superb. This I believe was not ordinary. For sure, Moses needs to be helped to discover his purpose.”

We are proposing to enter him into a two-year Bible school program. This would cost about US$120 per semester plus a one-time $50 matriculation fee. Additionally, he would need housing (estimated at US$350 per year). The total cost would be about US$1,230. Moses would eat with Chris and his family, who receive help from C4C for house rent, children’s school fees, and church rent. There is a current need of $980 for rent due in April and $320 for children’s school fees due now.

This is a blessed opportunity. Young Moses’s grandfather was the first Christian among the Koma Hills people. Chief Moses, a Christ follower, rules over scores of villages and gave us permission to preach the Gospel in that area. Chris will be sent to visit the Koma Hills in the next few weeks (before the presidential election is scheduled to take place on Feb. 14). Continue to PRAY for this open door and, as the Spirit moves, GIVE to support the work.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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