Mission Moments: Peru
A harvest in the Huayhuash
Story by Jordan Rowley
Spiritual Coordinator, Climbing For Christ
Reporting and photos by Jaime Servat
Missionary to Peru, Climbing For Christ
Jaime Servat made the three-hour trek to the remote Cordillera Huayhuash village of Chocopampa to visit a woman Climbing For Christ first encountered four months earlier. Esther, who – although never having heard of Jesus – came to Christ during Mission: Peru 2014, lives in a place accessible only by foot or hoof.
This was the first time our missionary to Peru had returned to this part of the Peruvian Andes since our team ministered there in May. (CLICK HERE to read the Trip Report). It was during that mission that C4C first put trekking boots on the ground in the Huayhuash range. Previously, we’d been serving mainly in the Cordillera Blanca range.
Jaime was able to meet and share with Esther’s son, Nemisio, who would not speak with us about the Lord during our last visit. Terribly sick in bed, Nemisio listened intently as Jaime shared about the healing and saving power of God. He decided to put his faith in Jesus and prayed with Jaime to receive Him as Lord. They prayed for God’s healing hand to be upon Nemisio. After more conversation, and prayer over Esther, Jaime made the three-hour trek back to Queropalca.
The next morning, a visitor appeared on horseback. It was Nemisio. “God healed me, brother,” he said. Jaime rejoiced – as do we!

Jaime prays for Nemisio on Sept. 16, 2014 – the day Nemisio was born again.
As if that wasn’t enough, a service was held that night in a large room that the Queropalca municipality made available for them to use. Jaime shared on the topic: Don’t Hide Your Faith. In response, 30 souls committed their lives to Christ during the service. We give the Lord thanks and praise for all that took place in Huayhuash!
Despite a few minor health concerns, Jaime spent much of September out in the field once again doing the Lord’s work among the remote Quechua farming communities.
View of Peru’s third-highest peak, Yerupaja
(21,709 feet/6,617 meters), while trekking in the Cordillera Huayhuash.
Jaime’s outreach began in the high-valley village of Huanuco Viejo, where he met a sister in Christ, Zoila, and her family. Zoila directed Jaime to the next village, called Gellaycancha, to meet with a brother named Andres. Jaime followed the Lord’s leading and headed to this neighboring village. Upon finding Andres, Jaime shared about his role as C4C’s missionary to Peru and our most recent mission to the area. Andres, who is a part of the Iglesia Evangelica Peruana (Peruvian Evangelical Church), invited Jaime to share at a special service at his home. The believers there are praying that God will provide a church for them to worship in. Jaime then headed back to Hunauco Veijo, along with Andres, where they held a small worship and prayer service.
The following day, Jaime made his way to the village of Queropalca. Once again, another worship and prayer service was held, where a number of people with various ailments came forward for prayer. Then Jaime began making plans for a visit to Esther.
Jaime praying over Esther.
After a fruitful time in the Cordillera Huayhuash, Jaime traveled back to the Cordillera Blanca. Upon arriving in Chalhua – where C4C has been ministering since 2011 – he first met with two of our precious sisters in Christ, Teresa, and her granddaughter, Alison. Jaime delivered some gifts and prayed with them. Then Jaime connected with Brother Ezekiel, who has been shepherding the church in Chalhua for about two years. In spite of a number of roadblocks and setbacks, the church that the Lord is using to C4C to build in Chalhua is moving forward with construction as Ezikiel has been trying to arrange for the final load of concrete to be delivered so that the church can be completed. Although this may sound simple, it’s a difficult process relying on very unreliable and limited resources.
We give thanks for all that was accomplished during Jaime’s latest outreach into the Cordillera Huayhuash and Blanca. We’d ask you to join us in praising God for all He has accomplished, and lifting up the continuing work of C4C and our brother Jaime in Peru.