Mission Moments: Peru
Encouragement that goes a long way
By Jordan Rowley
The demands and trials of life often push us to the point of flatlining – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. This is especially true when your life is that of a rural mountain farmer in the Peruvian Andes, working hard just to survive, day in and day out.
No matter one’s circumstances in this world, a little encouragement can go a long way.
In the Climbing For Christ world, a little encouragement always goes a long way – in distance, that is.

Roadside view in Huantar. (Photos by Jaime Servat)
In May, C4C’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, traveled and trekked in the Cordillera Blanca range to do just that – encourage, in the name of Jesus.
After fellowshiping with the church in Chalhua, Jaime traveled south to visit a handful of villages in Huari province. He shared a “courage message” in Huancha and then “ministered a healing prayer” for a believer named Isidoro, who suffered from a stroke a few years ago that left him partially paralyzed. “He is walking and recovering few by few,” Jaime shared, “so we hope for a miracle soon…he was very grateful for this time.
“Then I was moved by His Spirit to make a trip to Huantar district.” There, Jaime met a boy who was looking for motion-sickness medicine. In a few hours he would be on a long bus ride through the mountains to a soccer tournament, and he feared he might get sick. After a little conversation, Jaime asked the young boy, Daniel, “Do you want healing by God?” Daniel said yes and shared that he had never heard preaching about Jesus. “So, we prayed in His name,” Jaime reported, “and he received salvation, healing and a New Testament to know more about Jesus.”
Later, brother Jaime hiked three hours to reach another village where he met four Christian families. “I had a special time staying three days with them to pray and teach His word,” he said. While there, he shared Jesus with another young man, Enyel. “He agreed to receive Him in his heart so we prayed and I gave him a New Testament.”

Up to Olayan.
On another day, Jaime made a short trip to a few nearby villages. In Olayan, he met with a new believer, Manuel, who became a Christian just one year ago. All of the villages’ six believers meet together regularly to pray in Manuel’s home. Pedro, Manuel’s grandson, happened to be visiting during Jaime’s stay. “So I shared His word and salvation and he accepted,” Jaime gladly reported.
“Then I visited Opayaco village,” Jaime informed us, “and I met a Christian family.” The family introduced him to Pastor Francisco and his son, Gabriel. After learning about Climbing For Christ, Gabriel mentioned a nearby village that needed Jesus. After a four-hour trek in the mountains, they could reach Potreros, where a small community of farmers live – none being believers. Jaime and Gabriel immediately began planning for a future visit to the area.
During this most recent outreach in the Cordillera Blanca many were encouraged and many were prayed over, while others didn’t want to hear Jaime or God’s word.
“During this time I received rejection of His word,” Jaime shared. Sadly, this is often the case. Many gladly receive the truth from the Lord, and others turn away. Yet, whatever the response, we are still committed to delivering God’s message – and encouragement – to distant places. 
Jordan Rowley is Climbing For Christ’s spiritual coordinator. He has participated in all of C4C’s expeditions to Peru and is leading Mission: Peru 2018.