Mission Moments: Peru
On time for more divine appointments
Di-vine ap-point-ment A specific encounter or experience arranged by God so we can serve Him and play a part in the lives of other people.
Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s Peruvian missionary, was in his third day in the northeastern part of the Cordillera Blanca, where our Mission: Peru 2015 team trekked in July. As he hiked into Conopa village in early October, Jaime said, “I prayed to God and He guided me to a shop where I asked a woman named Lidia about a man [Jaime knew] who is a Christian. He was meeting in a house of another believer.
“Lidia, who is 26 years old, told me that she was interested in knowing more about how to be a Christian and I explained it to her. I prayed with Lidia and her husband, 32-year-old Agustin, and they received the Lord Jesus. I gifted them a New Testament and I prayed for their son Brayan, who is 4, and daughter Maily, who is 7. Praise God!”
Lidia, her husband Agustin, and daughter Maily. (Photos by Jaime Servat)
Jaime learned that a daughter of a couple who had accepted Jesus in July was in school in a village named Viñauya, “so I hiked one hour and arriving there they told me that she was not there.” Some would be deterred by this chain of events. Not Jaime.
He hungers to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus.
Ronald, center, with a friend.
“I contacted a 16-year-old student named Ronald, who told me we would go to Atsapi village, where another daughter of (Magmo and) Nieves is living,” Jaime said. “We went, but along the way I met with a lady. I shared His Word and prayed for Maximiliana, 54, and she received the Lord Jesus. I also prayed to God for some paralysis that she suffered days ago.
“Then we arrived in Atsapi and I met Julia, the 25-year-old daughter of Nieves, and Julia’s two sons, named David (who is 5 years old) and Alfredo (10).
“There are only 10 families living in Atsapi and they do not have a Christian church so I was invited to stay there in Ronald’s house,” Jaime reported. “Ronald, his sister (who has a baby), his brother, his mother and another brother named Nolberto; also Pablo and the Vicente brothers received the Lord Jesus under prayer and received some New Testaments. An 80-year-old woman named Rita also received the Lord Jesus and I prayed for her healing from an illness.”
On this day, Oct. 9, Jaime had met more than a dozen people who did not know Jesus and lovingly led them to their Savior. This was only one day in another month of serving the Lord on Mission: Peru, another month filled with divine appointments.
Here is the rest of Jaime’s October trip report (in his words):
Octaviano, seated, and his son Efrain.
“Arriving in Pomabamba in early October and the next day getting to Jancapampa, I walked to Jancacucho near the Jancapampa Mountain glacier, where we stayed with tents to make the outreach during Mission: Peru 2015 in July. I met with new believers Octaviano and his son, Efrain, who were working textures to make the typical cloak (named a poncho). I delivered New Testaments and some tracts to them and to another son living far away in another village. After we shared His Word we prayed for the healing of Octaviano, who is suffering head pains.
“I left them to go to greet sister Gloria and her parents and pray for them, and then went uphill to where Narciso (Allen’s father) is living. We talked about our trip to Huillcapampa and he told me that Magmo, who is his uncle, came to tell him that he will go to visit his daughters in Conopa village and check his leg, which was broken years ago. Narciso told me only Magmo’s wife, Nieves, and her son Jesus, who rejects His Name, would be in Huillcapampa so I should not go there. I was sad, but praying to God He gave me His peace.
“In the van station a 12-year-old student named Diana told me that she is the sister of Allen and she had heard about our mission. She was interested in becoming a Christian so I presented her our Lord Jesus under a prayer to the Lord and she received His Name. Hallelujah! Then I granted her a New Testament before returning to Pomabamba.
Praying for Lidia.
“The next day I started to Conopa village [where he met Lidia and her family].
“I decided to stay in Atsapi village [after that fruitful Oct. 9] under prayer because God showed me the hunger of His people and also I was not able to get a horse to ride four hours to Huillcapampa. I was informed that Magmo, Nieves and their daughters are studying His Word. Hallelujah!
“The next day I returned to Pomabamba and I knew of two missionaries working in this area. I met a lady named Felicia who was interested in His Word. I led her in prayer and told her to contact Missionary Russ. She lives in a village named Parushpama with approximately 80 farmers, and they do not have a church. It is about a one-hour hike from Pomabamba.
“Then I had a meeting with Russ, who offered me a tent, a devotional book for teens (to give to Alisson), a Bible to give to any new believer, and an offering. We prayed God together. It really was a blessed time.
Hualcayan village.
“A week later (Oct. 18-24) I arrived in Hualcayan village and met with new believer Juan Perez and his family working to seed their field. They were blessed when we prayed to our God and I gave them a picture we took of them on Mission: Peru 2015. They are reading His Word and praying always, so praise Him!
Erasmo and his family.
“I visited Erasmo and his family. They are believers and on Mission: Peru 2015 we prayed for Erasmo, who was suffering from a hernia. He has been healed. He witnessed how God heard our prayer. We prayed thanksgiving together, grateful to God for His tender mercy.
“I visited farmer Martin, who was ministered to under prayer by our Mission: Peru team, and he told me that God had healed him of his illness. We talked about getting a horse to go to Calicanto/Alpamayo to visit Maura and Epifania, who are a believer and new believer, but that was impossible because the cost was expense. Martin contacted Dimas (husband of Maura), who would be going to Calicanto/Alpamayo, and we talked about how his horse is older and his donkey is tired. I could not bring my backpack on the donkey and I could not ride his horse so the only option would be to hike back with him 10 hours to arrive to Calicanto/Alpamayo. Meanwhile, I was invited to stay in a Christian home for the next four days. I spent the time ministering in a church named Iglesia de Dios in Hualcayan. During this time God showed me many souls to win for the Lord Jesus in different houses. We had many reconciliations and new believers for Christ. Hallelujah!
“After four days, Dimas and I started to Calicanto/Alpamayo. When we arrived at Cullicocha lagoon he got ahead of me. It was impossible for me to follow him and I did not recognize the way so I stayed in a refuge that was opened by mercy. I stayed the night and then I returned to Hualcayan, supported by Erasmo who carried my backpack. I really was sad, but I gave thanks to God because He had under control His will to me and I understood His plan was different from what I had planned. Erasmo will call to me or I will call him to know about Epifania, who is suffering of cardiac problems. I am praying to God for healing.
“I returned to Huaraz (where Jaime lives and C4C Peru is based) and continued on to Lima (the capital) where I was to meet some people who want to receive the Lord Jesus in their hearts. Praise Him!”
“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:13-14 (ESV)
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