Mission: Nepal 2023
Praying for open doors in the East
Would you hike 40 miles to pray for someone you’ve never met? That’s what Climbing For Christ does.
We posed this question (and answer) in The Climbing Way (Volume 56, July 2022) in a story, “The wild, wild East,” about Mission: Nepal 2022.
That expedition was our introduction to the Kangchenjunga area in northeastern Nepal. Our survey team climbed nearly 15,000 feet in four days to reach a Buddhist village, where God opened doors allowing us to deliver audio Bibles in Nepali and pray for members of a family that included the village’s spiritual leader.
We have been praying for them – and others on the trail toward the world’s third-highest mountain (Kangchenjunga) – ever since. We’ve also prayed for our guide and porters who took us there.
“I am praying for the (people of) Kangchenjunga,” our Kingdom worker in Nepal said, “because those villages are under bondage to the devil. They were captured by evil following (the beliefs of) their forefathers so that their ears are blocked from what they hear and their eyes darkened to not see God’s amazing work in their village.”
We pray that hardened hearts may be softened by the Holy Spirit, and that those we have encountered previously would have ears to hear.
Our co-laborer remembered the promises of Joshua 1:3 (“I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you’”) and Zechariah 4:6 (“Then he said to me, ‘This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies”). When we walk, when we work, God is working!
We have witnessed this wherever He has sent us in Nepal. We trust and believe it will continue on this, our 20th expedition to Nepal.
Last year, one soul was rescued in one of the lower villages; a blessed conversion from Buddhism to Christianity. “God opened the door and started the work there,” our co-worker said. “Above (the lower villages) no one follows Christ. Hopefully the audio Bibles (we left) also are working there.
“I hope one day those other villages will open their doors (to Jesus). I am praying. God will fulfill our mission.” 
MISSION: NEPAL 2023 is scheduled in May and includes an 11-day journey to eastern Nepal where a seven-day trek will take our team back to villages visited in 2022 as well as some new locations. An orphanage team also will serve for two weeks at our ministry partner’s Children’s Home. Those children are part of our Project 1:27 program. The estimated cost is $2,100 USD for trekkers and $1,250 USD for orphanage workers plus international airfare.
Email info@ClimbingForChrist.org for a mission application. Missions are for C4C members only. You can join Climbing For Christ at Membership Application (climbingforchrist.org)