Gary Fallesen / Monday, January 10, 2011 / Categories: Nepal, Mission: Nepal 2011, Dispatches Monday, Jan. 10 More progress to report on the church build. Praise the Lord! A foundation was laid for a bathroom (two toilets) that will be separate from the church. It will take about two weeks to complete. Work was interrupted by the arrival of a woman, a member of the church, who was delirious with fever. I prayed for her with the three church leaders, and later Kyle prayed with her as well. She was improving. We asked if it was the medicine they'd given her. “No,” they said, “it was the prayer.” One day, Pastor Tej envisions a health clinic as part of the church complex. SARA owns the building the church currently uses for worship and he would like to renovate it after the new church is complete. Tej joined us from Kathmandu in the afternoon. We discussed partnership plans for 2011 and 2012. The first priority is funding the church build and a pastor who is attending Bible college in India. There is other work to be done, too, including a possible 2012 trip to another, more remote location. Medical personnel would be a blessed addition to future Evangelic Expeditions here. We are in prayer about all of the planning just as we are praying for the church at Dapcha. We made some house visits late today, lifting in prayer members of the church. Most of those who have come to Christ here have numerous family members under the same roof who do not believe. There is much unbelief in this village and country. Sunday, Jan. 9 Tuesday, Jan. 11 Print 4001 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author