Photo of the Week: Nepal
Good news from Nepal
“Freedom of religion is not guaranteed by law. Non-Hindus cannot proselytize. If they do, they risk fines, imprisonment and, in the case of expatriates, expulsion. Despite this law, the Church in Nepal grows because of courageous evangelism. … Neither laws of man nor threats of violence deter them from sharing the Gospel.” – Operation World
Megh Gurung, our kingdom worker in Nepal, visited the Church in Humla in September. Despite a blackout of electricity while a dam was under repair and a torrent of rain, he called his trip to Nepal’s remote northwest corner “fantastic and glorious, too.”
He had much good news to report – and it wasn’t all about delivering the Good News. Thana, our worker in Humla, and his wife Dipa gave birth to a daughter named Prasansha, which means “praise.” We praise God for this child.
Megh visited a village where there were five new believers. He distributed audio Bibles. He also met a Maoist leader and shared the Gospel. The Maoist listened intently and accepted an audio Bible.
From there, Megh and Pastor Harka from the church at Simikot trekked to several villages. The people were busy collecting herbs to be made into medicine and sold at the market. Megh, Harka and others held a prayer meeting at the Simikot church, which Climbing For Christ helped build in 2016. Megh shared several passages from the Bible, including Psalm 133:1, Jeremiah 33:3, Judges 2:10, and Zechariah 4:6. He encouraged their boldness in the Lord.
“We prayed for the Humla areas and to get to Tibet, too,” Megh said. “Now there are growing numbers of believers. I give thanks to God. God heard Climbing For Christ’s prayers. We are praying for more souls to come to the Kingdom of God in Humla.”