Project Prayer for the Hindu world, Day 1
Life-giving words of Jesus
By Jordan Rowley, spiritual coordinator, Climbing For Christ
Sunday, Oct. 28, 2018
“… You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:39
One billion people in today’s world identify as Hindu. Let that number sink in. One billion. That’s about 15 percent of our global population! That’s roughly one out of every seven people! That’s a big opportunity, or rather, responsibility, for us as Christians.
But what would Jesus have us do?
The most Christ-like thing we could do is simply be their neighbors. The most neighborly thing we could do is simply love them. And the most loving thing we could do is simply pray for them.
Last year, Climbing For Christ joined with other ministries and like-hearted individuals from around the world to offer a special focused time of prayer for our Hindu neighbors and those committed to reaching them with the love and truth of Jesus. We’re joining that effort again this year, and invite you to join us.
Starting today, we will be sharing a brief Scripture-inspired prayer each morning for 15 days. This will be posted daily on our Web site. It also will be delivered to the e-mailboxes of our Prayer Team. If you want to join our Prayer Team, simply reply to this message.
Stand with us. Pray with us. Love your neighbor with us. 
Day 1
“This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” – John 6:29
Father in Heaven,
We are so grateful that the only “work” that you require of us to simply believe in You. Rather than earning our way to salvation through good deeds, You’ve made a way for us to be made right by trusting in Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Thank You. We now lift up the one billion Hindus of the world who are attempting to merit their way to freedom. Please reveal to them – by Your Spirit and by Your servants – that the only work of God that can truly save is to believe in Jesus!
In JESUS’ name, amen.