Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Project Prayer: Ramadan 2015

June 18-July 17

“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." – Matthew 19:26

July 17 – Life vs. Death

“And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” – Revelation 22:17

A Prayer:

Dear Lord,

On this final day of Ramadan we acknowledge the invitation that You give to all of Your created people. You simply say, “come, whoever desires, come, take the water of life freely.” We know that there are many Muslims in this world who are thirsty. There are many who are longing for more. They are longing for light and love and life! You, and You alone, offer all of those things. Oh Lord, please save many. Please bring many to faith in Jesus Christ. And Lord, may we continue to pray. Now that Ramadan is coming to a close, may we continue to lift up our Muslim neighbors from around the world. Thank You for answering our prayers Lord. We walk by faith and not by sight as we believe that You have heard an answered our prayers and moved in many lives.

In the precious name of Jesus’, amen .

July 16 Life vs. Death

“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” – 1 John 5:12

A Prayer:


This Scripture makes it so clear: to have Jesus is to have life; to not have Jesus is to not have life. There is no gray area. There is no room for debate. You have made a way for mankind to pass from death from life. But there is only one way – the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus! We think of the Muslims of the world have Allah and Muhammed, but do not have the true Christ. We pray for their salvation. We pray that they would embrace the Son of God and enter into life! We pray, once again, for visions and dreams and Your Holy Spirit to work in the lives of those who may be seeking. We pray for our brothers and sisters to shine brightly so that many would see and believe. We pray that You would raise up and send out more missionaries to the house of Islam.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

July 15 Life vs. Death

“But has now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ, who has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” – 2 Timothy 1:10

A Prayer:


 Amen! You have abolished death – for those who believe. You have conquered hell – for those who receive. You have broken the chains and unlocked the prison cells – for those who will simply look to You in faith. God, You sent Your only begotten Son on a rescue mission to redeem the world. Yet, You force no one to be saved. You force no one to choose life. You have paid the price for the salvation of each soul. All we must do is believe and receive. Today, we pray for followers of Islam who may fear death. We pray for those who are uncertain and unsettled about where they will spend eternity. Lord, show them that only through Jesus Christ You have abolished death and brought life! And may many freely choose life!

 In Jesus’ name, amen. 

July 14 – Life vs. Death

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6:23        

A Prayer:

 Lord God,

 Thank You for the precious gift that You offer to all mankind – eternal life in Jesus. There is nothing greater than life and nothing worse than death! Our hearts break for those who don’t have this gift of life that offer freely to all. We pray that You would stir and send more and more of Your servants throughout the world, particularly the Muslim world, with the Good News of life in Christ upon their lips. The alternative is death. We know that Your will is that none would perish, Lord. So, we ask that You would awaken Your church to deliver this most precious gift – the gift of eternal life in Jesus – to the world.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

July 13 – Love vs. Dread

“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.” – 1 John 3:1

A Prayer:

Heavenly Father,

One of the greatest things about our salvation is that it makes us the children of God! There is such comfort in knowing that You are our loving Father, ever protecting us and providing for us. But when we think of our Muslim neighbors around the world, we remember that their religion strictly forbids them from acknowledging their god as a father or themselves as his children. No doubt, this can be a large stumbling block to followers of Islam becoming followers of Christ. Today, Lord, we pray that by Your precious Holy Spirit, You would touch the hearts and minds of many to call out to You as their Heavenly Father. Oh Lord, may they reject anything that would hinder them coming to You as sons and daughters.

 In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

July 12 – Love vs. Dread

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear because fear involves torment.” –1 John 4:18a

A Prayer:


Once again we come to You on behalf of the world’s Muslims. Our hearts are heavy for them Lord. We simply cannot imagine following such an unloving and fear-inspiring god. We rejoice in the fact that You, the True and Living God, are a God of great love – and this perfect love casts out all fear. There is no room for the two to coexist! We pray that many followers of Islam would, even this very moment, be liberated from fear and fully receive Your love through the Good News of Jesus Christ. May You soften and open hearts to Your love today.

We pray these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

July 11 – Love vs. Dread

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” – 2 Timothy 1:7

A Prayer:

Father God,

We rejoice in the fact that You have not given us a spirit of fear. You do not rule over Your children and expect them to do Your will out of dread. Rather, Your desire is for Your people to be motivated by love. Your desire is not that Your people would be weak, fearful or worried, but rather, that we would embrace Your Spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind! Today, we pray for those in the Muslim world who are oppressed by weakness or fear or worry. We pray that You would set them free from those prisons by Your beautiful love!

In the name of Jesus, amen. 

July 10 – Love vs. Dread

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love…” – Galatians 5:22a

A Prayer:

Dear Lord,

As we read in this Scripture, the fruit of Your Spirit is nothing less than love. All that You do and all that You are simply define it. Today, we ask that many Muslims would see and be drawn to Your love. We pray that, by Your Spirit, You would reveal Your beautiful love to them. Send out Your sons and daughters to demonstrate it to them in word and in action. May many see and believe in all that You are, and trust in the Good News. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.

July 9 – Love vs. Dread

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?” – Romans 8:35

A Prayer:

Lord God,

We give You thanks and praise that Your love never fails Your people. There is nothing, no nothing, that can separate us from the powerful love of Christ. Lord, how we pray that many in the Muslim world would experience the rock-solid assurance of Your love. There is so much fear involved in the religion of Islam; so much dread. We pray, Lord, that many Muslims would become weary of fear and uncertainty and run towards the arms of Christ. We pray that You would speak Your love into their souls so that they would embrace the power of Your love and the gift of Your salvation.

In Jesus’ loving name, amen.

July 8 – Love vs. Dread

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ dies for us.” – Romans 5:8

A Prayer:

Heavenly Father,

Although Allah’s love is referred to in a handful of verses of the Quran, it’s clear that he does not love unbelievers. Yet,  even while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Thank You! What an amazing love. Lord, we know that there are so many others Jesus shed His blood for who are “still sinners.” We pray for those who do not yet know Your beautiful and boundless love. May the warmth of Your love melt through the hardness of unbelief and rescue many followers of Islam. May they experience and embrace the love of Jesus – today!

In Jesus’ mighty name, amen! 

July 7 – Light vs. Darkness

“This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.” – 1 John 1:5

A Prayer:

Dear Lord,

We rejoice in the fact that there is nothing dark or evil in You, but rather, You are altogether good and pure and holy. This can be said of no other god – including Allah, who in multiple portions of the Quran actually led men astray and can do good one moment and evil the next. We praise You, Lord, that You not only shine light, but You are light! Today, we pray that You would shine Your light into the hearts of many Muslims. We think of Your brilliant light shining upon Saul as he traveled to Damascus and how You rescued him for the darkness he was living in. We pray for all those followers of Islam who believe they are walking in the light but are in fact, walking in darkness. Shine upon them, Lord, that they may be saved.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

July 6 –  Light vs. Darkness

“For it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 4:6  

A Prayer:

Lord God,

Only You can command light from the darkness. Only You can shine in a heart and bring it to the knowledge of Jesus. Today, we pray that You would do just that. We pray that You would awaken the souls of Muslims from all over the world. Lord, please command light to shine out of the darkness. We especially lift up those who may be seeking light and truth today. Grant them dreams and visions, please. Send Your servants to share the Gospel with them. By Your Holy Spirit, draw them to the Savior. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.  

July 5 – Light vs. Darkness

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” – Ephesians 5:8

A Prayer:


Thank You that though we were once in the dark, we are now in the light. As Your word instructs us here, we ask that You would help Your church walk as children of light. Today, we pray for those persecuted by radical Islamists. Help them, Lord, to stand firm for You and Your teachings. Help them to love when they are hated, give when they are stolen from, bless when they are cursed and to walk as children of light when there is nothing but darkness around them. May they be bold witnesses and lead many to Christ by their example. And may they bring You glory through their suffering. 

We ask these things in Jesus’ name, amen.

July 4 – Light vs. Darkness

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’” John 8:12

A Prayer:

Dear Lord,

You are the light of the world. To follow any other, is to walk in darkness. You, and You alone, have the light of life. Today we pray for those who are walking darkness – extreme darkness. Today, we pray for radical Muslims who declare jihad on all that opposes their interpretation of Islam. We think of groups like ISIS, Boko Haram and so many others who seek to wreak utter havoc as they usher in the rule of fundamental Islam. Lord, You tell us to love our enemies. To bless those who persecute us and hate us. So, we pray for radical Muslims today. We pray that You would forgive them for they know not what they do. We pray that You would soften their hard hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We pray that Your love would penetrate their souls.

In Jesus’ name, amen.  

July 3 – Light vs. Darkness

“… the Dayspring from on high has visited us; to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” – Luke 1:78b-79

A Prayer: 

Father God, 

Your word says that You give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death. Today we lift up the Muslims of the world who sit in darkness. We pray that You, the Dayspring from on high, would enlighten their eyes and guide them into the way of peace. Apart from You, there is no true and everlasting peace. The only way to that peace is through the cross of Christ. Lord, we pray that You would draw many to their knees before You. We pray that eyes would be opened wide and that hearts would embrace Jesus and the peace with God that He alone offers.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

July 2 – Life vs. Death

 “So that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” – Romans 5:21

A Prayer:

Dear Lord,

Oh how great is Your grace! Yours is an amazing grace that leads to hope, peace, joy and eternal life. We give You thanks that through Jesus, You made a way for us to receive Your grace. We know that it’s a gift and not anything we could earn. Lord, today we think of those who are attempting to work their way to paradise; we think of those who are trying to earn the favor of their god; we think of those who believe they can merit eternal life. We think of them, and our hearts grieve. We know that Your grace only comes through faith in Jesus Christ. We pray once again, Lord, that You would open the hearts and minds of many followers of Islam to receive Your grace through faith in Christ. May they hear the Good News, turn to Jesus, and be saved!

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

July 1 – Life vs. Death

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10

A Prayer:

Heavenly Father,

We see that the enemy of our souls wants to do nothing less than devastate Your created people. He is a thief, a liar and a murderer. But You, oh Lord, give instead of steal. You are the Truth in the face of all that is false. And You offer abundant life in place of death. Thank You for Who You are! Today, we pray against the ways of the devil. We pray that You would confound his every attempt to rob Your created people of the opportunity to trust You and embrace the abundant life You offer. And Lord, we pray that as followers of Islam see the abundant joy-filled life of Your children, that they would come to trust in You! Have Your perfect way. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.

June 30 – Life vs. Death

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.” – John 5:24

A Prayer:

Dear Lord,

Oh how we stand in awe of You! We rejoice and give You thanks for the everlasting life You freely offer to every tribe, tongue, people and nation – if only they will hear Your word and believe. But Lord, as we read in Your word, “how then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” Lord, today we pray that You will stir the hearts of Your people and send more laborers into Your harvest. Continue the amazing work You’ve begun among the Muslim people of many tribes, tongues, people and nations! May many followers of Islam hear Your word and believe – today!

We humbly ask these things in the name of Jesus, amen.

June 29 – Life vs. Death

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” – Proverbs 14:12

A Prayer:

Heavenly Father,

In so many Muslim majority nations there seems to be only way – the way of Islam. How many millions don’t even know of the Way that leads to life – Jesus? How many millions are simply following what seems right to them because that’s really all they know. Lord, we ask You to open their eyes and show them where their path truly leads. Send out Your servants, send Your Spirit to speak love and truth into their lives. In Your great grace, may many be rescued from “the way of death” and led to the Way, the Truth and the Life!

In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

June 28 – Life vs. Death

“I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.” – Deuteronomy 30:15

A Prayer:

Lord God Almighty,

You give every soul a choice to receive or reject the One True and Living God. You allow us to choose between life and death. Today, may many choose life! Draw them, by Your lovingkindness, to the only Way and Truth and Life. Apart from Jesus, there is no life. Apart from Jesus, there is only death. Lord, please speak to the hearts and minds of Muslims today. No doubt there are thousands, even at this very moment, seeking life. There are many who fear death – knowing that the religion they follow offers no assurance of salvation. Oh Lord, send Your light and Your truth, and grant them the opportunity to choose life.

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

June 27 – Love vs. Dread

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” – John 15:13

A Prayer:


How can we thank You enough for laying down Your life for Your friends? Truly, there is no greater love. Today, Lord, we pray for those who are “laying their lives down” for followers of Islam. We pray for those involved in missions and ministry to Muslims. Grant them the provision, the protection and the power to accomplish all that You would have them to. May Your love flow in and through them and touch the hearts of those they encounter. And Lord, for those in hostile areas, may the love of Jesus cast out all fear! Have Your way, all for Your glory.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

June 26 Love vs. Dread

“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.” – John 15:9    

A Prayer:

Precious Lord,

Your love is truly an amazing love. It is so much deeper and stronger than any human love. It is so much more beautiful, patient, kind and longsuffering. It is better than life! We give You thanks, God, for loving this world and desiring that all people would “abide in” Your love. How gracious You are Lord! Today, we ask once again that You would reveal Your powerful and sacrificial love to the followers of the religion of Islam. Many are Muslim in name only while others are more devout. Many are “moderate” while others are more radical. And Lord, You love them all the same! Please, draw many hearts to You today. May their eyes be opened and their hearts be softened to Your love – as demonstrated in the Gospel truth. Thank You, Father.

In the name of Jesus, amen. 

June 25 – Love vs. Dread

“But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” – Luke 6:27

A Prayer:

Heavenly Father,

Today we come to You on behalf of those facing persecution. Many who have turned from Islam to Jesus and even those who simply express interest in or sympathy for Christianity can experience hardship and oppression. God, we pray for boldness for all those who experience persecution; we pray for strength and peace for them; we pray for Your love to fill their hearts. Just as You loved us while we were still sinners, may they find the supernatural power and grace to love their enemies and even “do good to those who hate” them. We think not only of families and communities who persecute believers, but of hate-filled terror groups like ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood and so many others. May Your people find ways to love and do good to all – even our enemies.

In Jesus’ name, amen. 

June 24 – Love vs. Dread

“I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications.” – Psalm 116:1

            A Prayer:

            Lord God,

We thank You for always hearing our cries. Our voice is never lifted to You in vain. Today, Father, we ask for You to bring many followers of Islam to a place in their lives where they will call out to You and be able to say with us, “I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications.” Surely every soul is unique and every phase of life is different. Some people may need to experience the power of Your love and grace; some may need a miracle of Your healing, others may the clarity of a dream or a vision, while many others may need a breaking. Please do what’s needed Lord, in Your amazing love, to open their eyes and experience Your love – that they may love You in response!

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.  

June 23 – Love vs. Dread

 “Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let such as love Your salvation say continually, ‘the LORD be magnified!’” – Psalm 40:16

            A Prayer:

            Dear Lord,

May You be magnified in the hearts and minds of many Muslims today. May Your rich and beautiful love be magnified too. Truly, that is what sets You apart from all of the false gods and religious systems of the world – Your love. We pray, Lord, that You would send Your servants to reach the broken and bound today. There are so many captured by the fear of Allah and Islam. “Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You,” as You reveal the love and truth of Christ to them.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, amen.

June 22 – Love vs. Dread

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

            A Prayer:

            Father in Heaven,

So much of Islam involves fear. Our hearts sympathize with the millions of souls who feel trapped by dread. Some may be afraid of committing that one small religious infraction that offends Allah and condemns them to hell. Others, who may have a desire to learn more about Jesus, may fear the response of their families and communities. Lord, today we ask You to reveal Your love to many followers of Islam. By Your Holy Spirit, may the love of and for Jesus overflow in their hearts. Truly, Lord, Your love is better than life itself. We who have tasted it, wouldn’t trade it for anything! Please open the hearts of many Muslims, today and through the rest of Ramadan, to Your beautiful and sacrificial love and cast out all fear from their hearts.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

June 21 – Light vs. Darkness

 “Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle.” – Psalm 43:3

            A Prayer:

            Dear Lord,

May everything that is dark and false be swept away in Your presence. From its origins to its doctrines, there is so much darkness and so much deception in the religion of Islam. Today, we pray that You would send out You light and Your truth and like a mighty wind they would rush in to the Muslim world! Please open the hearts of many followers of Islam – today! Whether through visions and dreams, through a believer or through some other means, we pray that the light and truth of the Gospel message would bring many Muslims to “Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle.” Thank You Lord. Be glorified.

In the name of Jesus, amen.

June 20 – Light vs. Darkness

“The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” – Psalm 27:1

            A Prayer:

            Lord God Almighty,

No doubt, many are afraid to leave Islam. They may fear the response from their friends, family and community, or they may fear the wrath of Allah. Would You be their strength today, Lord? Would You fill them with boldness? Would You please grant them the grace they need to make a choice to stand for You. May they not be afraid to call Jesus their Lord and Savior – no matter the consequences. And for those former Muslims already following You, please impress a fresh sense of urgency on their hearts and grant them wisdom to reach out to others.

In Jesus’ name, amen.  

June 19 – Light vs. Darkness

“For You will light my lamp; the Lord will enlighten my darkness.” – Psalm 18:28

A Prayer:

Father in Heaven,

Only You can enlighten the hearts and minds of those unknowingly walking in darkness. Only You can light the lamp that is desperately needed to walk through this temporal life and on into eternal life. We pray, Lord, that You would “light the lamp” and “enlighten the darkness” of Muslims who are wishing to walk in the light. Perhaps they sense the darkness or are simply discontent with their religion but don’t know where to turn. Please send Your servants to them, Lord. Send dreams and visions to them. Reveal the Light of Christ to them. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.

June 18 – Light vs. Darkness

“Then God said, ‘Let there be light.’” – Genesis 1:3

A Prayer:

Dear Lord,

We come to You today as the Muslim celebration of Ramadan begins. We ask that You, the great Creator who spoke light into existence, would do the same in the hearts and minds of those following the religion of Islam. You and You alone can shine into the lives of those walking blindly through life. Most don’t even know that they are in darkness. Most don’t know that they need the light. Most believe they are already in the light and hope that they are in good standing with their Creator, but they are mistaken. Oh Lord, we ask You today to shine into the darkness of the Muslim world. Let there be light!    

In Jesus’ name, amen.


For the fifth straight year, Climbing For Christ will be praying through the 30-day Muslim celebration of Ramadan. This is an especially holy time on the Islamic calendar in which most Muslims will fast (during daylight hours) and spend extra time in prayer in hopes of drawing nearer to Allah and earning his favor. It’s during this time, as followers of Islam are extra sensitive to spiritual things, that we join our hearts with hundreds of thousands of other Christian believers from around the world in prayer.

Will you join us from June 18 to July 17 for Project Prayer: Ramadan 2015?

Operation World, the Definitive Prayer Guide to the Nations describes the challenge that Muslims face in coming to faith in Jesus this way:

“The essential framework of Islamic beliefs contradicts fundamental biblical truths about the nature and person of Jesus. This, combined with the traditionally hostile history between Christianity and Islam, means that barriers to faith are so numerous that a deep working of the Holy Spirit is required, often through supernatural revelations or miracles.”

In other words, the differences are so great, the barriers are so ingrained and the divide is so entrenched between Christianity and Islam that it is near impossible for a follower of Islam to become a follower of Christ. And this isn’t even taking into account the fact that any Muslim who converts to Christianity likely faces incredible opposition and often separation or even persecution from friends, family and community. But with all that said, we know that “with God all things are possible.” Amen!?

A minaret hides the sun at a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey during Mission: Ararat 2015. Unfortunately, the SON is also obstructed by the religion of Islam. (Photo by Gary Fallesen)

As we gather together in Jesus’ name to specifically lift up followers of Islam throughout the world, we believe that God will move mightily. In fact, He already is! Muslims are coming to Christ now more than ever thanks to a mighty move of His Spirit through visions and dreams, Christian missionaries and resources, along with faithful witnesses and prayer warriors. With that said, more of all the above is still desperately needed for the world’s roughly 1.6 billion Muslims.  

Throughout Ramadan 2015, we’ll be specifically praying over three themes: light vs. darkness, love vs. dread, and life vs. death. Again, will you join us?  Just imagine how our God might move as His people join together over the next 30 days in this focused time of prayer for those following the religion of Islam.

A Prayer:

Great God of the impossible,

We come to You today knowing that ALL things are possible with You. There are so many obstacles between Muslims and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but we know that You can break through every single one. We pray, Lord, that You would prepare the way of salvation for them. Speak to them in whatever circumstance they find themselves in. The old, the young, the men, the women, the rich, the poor, the devout and those who are Muslim in name only – they all need You! God, we ask You to use this special prayer time though the Islamic celebration of Ramadan to soften and touch many hearts for Christ!

Have Your way, Lord. And please move in the hearts of Your people as well. May we be faithful to take this time to intercede for our Muslim neighbors. 

In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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