Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Shelly Torres

Age: 29. Residence: Chicago, IL, USA. Family: Single. Occupation: Office Manager for Premium Surge Promotions (our company makes the Burger King kids' meal toys). Church: Chicago Tabernacle. Missions with C4C: First.

How long have you climbed? Well, climbing more so recent — I’d say, the last 3 years. Hiking/backpacking, I’ve been doing for about 10 years now. Type of climbing you do: Rock climbing. Highlight of climbing career: Climbing in the Snowies of Wyoming last year. Absolutely challenging, but most incredible experience of sheer struggle and witnessing beauty through it!

How long have you been a Christian? Wowsers, 16 years! Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: Oh my goodness, just about any! Well, let me say this — I’ve learned it’s not what you do, but Who sees you and I had that backwards for a while. Now, I’d do just about anything (I think! Gotta be careful with that!). I do love working with women, children, mentoring and intercession. I really love helping people and have a desire for them to know the Lord — I guess that’s the ministry I’m most blessed to serve in.

Favorite Scripture verse (and why): Genesis 1-Revelation 21:27! OK, OK, these questions are so hard for me. I have so many favorites. The one that is absolutely blowing me away in this season is Ephesians 1:4-14. I’m learning more about God’s heart as a Father and that He’s a Pursuer and it was His pleasure to choose me as His daughter before I was born. WOW! I’m also learning through this passage what union “in Christ” means and that that’s not just a one-time thing, but daily, minutely and second by second we are presently united in Christ. This is changing the way I see moments in a day! Also, in these verses, we learn our identity: Chosen, Holy, LOVED, Children of God, and Redeemed — amen! I also LOVE Isaiah 61:58. I love it all!

Special “God moment” you'd like to share: Which one? Hmm. One of my favorites is being able to share with people that although I was the first Christian in my family, since then, everyone in my family has come to know the Lord. And one of the sweetest blessings is that my mom became a Christian just four months before she passed away from cancer. Looking back, it’s one of the most precious gifts from God.

What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? I absolutely love the mission statement of C4C — to take the Gospel where most missionaries cannot or will not go. The Lord has laid the nations on my heart and specifically people in mountainous regions. I’ve been challenged by the stories I’ve read in recent years in The Climbing Way and I am so excited to serve with the Body in this way! I’ve also had the wonderful privilege of hearing Lygon Stevens’ story through C4C and it has both spiritually enriched my heart and challenged me to serve my King with all I have.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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