Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

The ’stans 2016

Pakistan is testimony to our approach for waiting on the LORD to lead us into mountainous places. We began planning a trek here in 2013 only to have a travel ban for foreigners placed on the area where we felt God sending us. The ban lasted two years. We waited.

We are a Proverbs 16:9 ministry: “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”

Now, God has opened the door. He is establishing our steps into the northern mountains of Pakistan. But we need at least four members with hearts willing to GO.

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’” (Isaiah 6:8a)

It is frustrating when an opportunity presents itself and we have no answer. A call went out in 2015 to for Uzbekistan. A rock climbing instructor to teach and love on children was needed. Two members from North America appeared ready and willing to be sent, but then withdrew.

“We still strongly are confident that evangelism through the sport (of climbing) is the most effective way to reach children in our country,” said C4C Uzbek member Sergey (not his real name) after that disappointing moment. “Therefore we are open for every opportunity of cooperation with you and with other Climbing For Christ members.”

Certainly these two “stans” are not the most inviting places in the world:
  • Pakistan is ranked as the No. 8 country on the Open Doors 2016 World Watch List for persecution against Christians. Estimates run from 1.3 to 2.5 million believers in a nation of more than 191 million – 98.9 percent of whom are Muslim. This nation is notorious for strict blasphemy laws.
  • Uzbekistan is ranked 15th on the World Watch List. There may be more than 2 million believers in a country of nearly 30 million, but religious freedom is restricted. Uzbek Christians are scrutinized by authorities.
Despite these facts we have members fruitfully serving the LORD in both countries. At the very least we can send a team for two weeks to Pakistan or find someone with a servant’s heart who is willing to be used in Uzbekistan. The door is open.

PRAY for the Lord of the harvest to send workers to enter the door He has opened to us in the mountains of the north. We need at least four willing servants to GO in June! We pray for brother Haseeb, his family, and Save Pakistan. May Pakistan be saved! We also lift the opportunity still awaiting us to send a worker or workers to serve children through climbing in Uzbekistan.

GIVE to support a special project that the LORD has put on my heart. It all began when Evangelist Haseeb of ministry partner Save Pakistan sent news about delivering 25 “Joy Boxes” on CHRISTmas 2015 to children who work in brick factories. (See “Joy for children treated as slaves.”) Please continue reading below to learn about a new initiative, called Project 8:36.

GO trek Pakistan in June 2016. Cost is estimated at US$4,050 for two weeks of trekking. This price does not include airfare. Email to express an interest in any of these trips and to request a mission application.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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