Western NY Update: Chili fundraiser Feb. 22

Elaine Fallesen

Western NY Update: Chili fundraiser Feb. 22

Serving up the perfect C4C mix

Western New York Update



Monday, Feb. 10, 2020

Serving up the perfect C4C mix


Outdoor fun, hot chili, and you

By Elaine Fallesen, women’s and family ministry, Climbing For Christ




There’s a 100 percent chance of a perfect wintry mix coming this way Saturday, Feb. 22 as hot-chili weather hits the Western New York Chapter.

Get out of your cabin fever and join us for Climbing For Christ’s first-ever chili fundraiser, to support C4C mission work that stretches from Tanzania to Nepal and to the ends of the earth. Just $10 gets you all the chili and fixings you can eat, spiced with satisfaction in knowing you are helping much more than just your hungry tummy.

Chili will be served from 12-2 p.m. at the Kiwanis Park Lodge, 760 Shangrila Lane, Webster, NY. But wait, there’s more!

The event also kicks off Climbing For Christ’s 13th year of partnering with Heritage Christian Services (HCS) for outings and fellowship. From 9:30-11:30 a.m. you have the opportunity to work up your chili appetite by hiking the Kiwanis Park trails, snowshoeing (bring your own or first come, first served), building the best snow person, and testing your skill at snowball toss. Or enjoy indoor board games in the Lodge together with HCS friends. We’ll also share about C4C’s current mission schedule and more.

And don’t leave until you’ve checked out the huge display of unique “theme baskets” hand-crafted by Blessed Hope Community Church and HCS to be raffled off. Raffle tickets are $10 per sheet of 25 tickets to place your bids on the basket selections.

Email efallesen@ClimbingForChrist.org to let us know you’re coming and if you wish to buy raffle tickets in advance. Shout-outs to HCS and Blessed Hope for their special support to this event!

Coffee break

Our next Coffee Chat will be Thursday, Feb. 20 (6:30-8 p.m.) at Spot Coffee, 200 East Ave., Rochester. Come join us to talk about all things C4C.

The Word

“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” – Proverbs 25:25 (MEV)


Elaine FallesenElaine Fallesen

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