Climbing For Christ


Hispaniola: Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Gary Fallesen 0 10393

Hispaniola is an island in the Caribbean that is shared by two countries: the Afro-Caribbean Haiti to the west and the Hispanic Dominican Republic to the east. This is where Christopher Columbus landed in 1492 — “discovering” America. When Columbus arrived, the island was in...



Mission: Haiti 2024

Lighting the way for children to learn

Gary Fallesen 0 1003

Climbing For Christ continues its prayer and financial support for the work in Haiti, especially for the schools in Majon, Morne des Commissaires, and Kalimet, as well as ministry carried out by C4C’s New Generation.

Mission: Haiti 2023

From jaws of death to hands and feet of Christ

Gary Fallesen 0 1052

MISSION: HAITI 2023 is not a short-term mission. Climbing For Christ’s New Generation, a group of about 35 young Haitians, have continued the ministry started by Climbing For Christ from 2005 to 2013.


Latest News

Sunday, Sept. 11

Gary Fallesen 0 3778
“How are you on the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Center destruction?” missionary Miguel Rubén Guante asked. “God is taking care of the powered country? Give thanks to Him for that. The C4C churches are praying for the USA today. Jimani made a special prayer.” ...

Tuesday, Sept. 6

Gary Fallesen 0 3698
Schools are re-opening in Haiti, including the Haitian school in the Dominican border town of Jimani (above). Missionary Miguel reported 26 children in school today (14 in kindergarten, eight in the first-year class, and four in second year). “We are supposed to have around 60 children,&rd...

Thursday, Sept. 1

Gary Fallesen 0 3923
The Monte Pou Kris monthly seminary met on Wednesday in Thoman. Our missionary, Miguel Ruben Guante, taught a lesson prepared by Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley. The teaching was on sin — original sin, the nature of sin, the effects of sin (Romans 6:23), and the def...

Sunday, July 31

Gary Fallesen 0 3897
There were 213 people in worship in three of the four Monte Pou Kris churches — Jimani, DR (87), Thoman (65) and Malasi (61). There was no report from Gentilhomme. Pastor Tresin was with missionary Miguel and Tresin's ill son in Jimani. Timesage Tresin has been ill for some time and is now bei...

Thursday, July 28

Gary Fallesen 0 3854
July's seminary was “very exciting” with 25 pastors and church leaders attending, missionary Miguel Rubén Guante reported. “The subject (funerals) was very, very interesting for the pastors and leaders.” The teaching included “how to carry out a funeral act,&rdqu...


Gary Fallesen 0 3816
Medical A complete physical exam is required of all team members. Paperwork (Medical Form and Certification of Physical Fitness AND Acknowledgement of Risk Form) must be completed and returned in a timely manner. A team first-aid kit will be carried and any special medical concerns must be ma...

Sunday, July 17

Gary Fallesen 0 3813
The church at Malasi. Missionary Miguel Rubén Guante preached about forgiveness — using the story of Jesus washing feet, including those of Judas, in John 13:1-7 — at the church at Malasi, where 63 people worshiped. There were 72 worshiping in Thoman and 60 in the Domin...

Sunday, July 10

Gary Fallesen 0 3698
The church at Thoman. “Here, everything is well in God our Savior,” Climbing For Christ's missionary to Haiti said. Miguel Rubén Guante reported from Thoman that 77 people attended church to worship the Lord. In Gentilhomme, there were 112 people worshiping; in ...

Through faith and patience inherit what has been promised

Gary Fallesen 0 3128
A touching moment: Pastor Luterne hugs missionary Miguel Rubén Guante during the dedication of the church at Thoman. Our missionary to Haiti, Miguel Rubén Guante, made his first visit to the church at Thoman in May 2007. Pastor Luterne Polissain had requested the visit one m...