Gary Fallesen / Wednesday, September 28, 2011 / Categories: Haiti, Mission: Haiti 2011, Mission Moments Wednesday, Sept. 28 The church at Thoman celebrated the first anniversary of the Monte Pou Kris (Climbing For Christ) building on Saturday, Sept. 24 with worship, baptism, the monthly seminary, and a wedding. It was a big day full of rejoicing in Thoman. Or, as missionary Miguel said, “a long day working in God’s business.” The church at Thoman gathers to worship, above, with the church's choir singing praise and worship, below. Two new members are welcomed into Christ’s family through baptism. Twenty pastors and church leaders gathered for a study on salvation, which was prepared by Miguel and Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley. “It (was) a wonderful topic,” Miguel said. “It will be good material for the use of the pastors to preach in their churches. It is appropriate material to show the love of Jesus by His sacrifice.” The teaching showed pastors and church leaders how salvation is “the deliverance by God of a sinner from His own righteous judgment.” It instructed that salvation is a gift from God (John 1:13, Romans 9:16 and Romans 6:23), provided for all (John 3:16, Romans 5:18 and 1 Timothy 2:4), but applied only to those who believe (Romans 3:24-25). Instruction followed on role the will of man plays, the saving acts of God, the stages and characteristics of salvation, and how someone becomes saved (believe, trust, put your faith in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross for your salvation, and repent of sin). “I think it will be a very, very good encouragement to the pastors and leaders,” Miguel said. “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” — John 1:12 (NIV) God again shows us the need Friday, Sept. 30 Print 4089 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author