Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, said God “showed me His love and the trails to understand better His grace and mercy through His mountains in the Ancash provinces. Praise God because He is All in All.”
Here are edited excerpts from Jaime’s detai...
Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, said God again showed him that people through the mountains are suffering strange illnesses emanating from demonic possession, as well as other physical maladies, and poor parental upbringing of children. “He showed me the need to s...
Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, returned to Chalhua for the first time since our Mission: Peru 2011 team was in the Cordillera Blanca range in May. He visited our dear little sister Alison, the girl whom our team met and fell in love with, and also saw Pastor Isabel. Af...
Click here to download the Peru Dossier
Mission Moments: August 2012
Throughout much of the month of August, Climbing For Christ missionary to Peru Jamie Servat ministered in the remote mountains of the Cordillera Negra and Cordillera Blanca ranges of the Peruvian Andes. He spent a great deal of time returning to several of the villages ...
ClimbingFor Christ
By Jordan Rowley
Spiritual Coordinator, Climbing For Christ
In May 2011, God sent a team of four from the United States to the Peruvian Andes Mountains. It was a family affair. The U.S. contingent was made up of father and son Gary and Jesse Fallesen, and my brother Justin Rowley and me...
Forty-eight hours after leaving Huaraz, Peru, my brother Justin and I finally arrived in Rochester, NY, USA. After our flight from Newark, NJ was cancelled, we decided to make the six-hour drive to Rochester. In spite of all of the bumps and detours throughout this mission, we joyfully reflect on al...
EDITOR'S NOTE: U.S. team members Jordan and Justin Rowley are traveling back to the United States, marking the end of this short-term mission. Missionary Jaime Servat and our Peruvian members will carry on the work in-country.
Late last night we enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship at Allison’s house with her mother Taina and grandparents, Teresa and Eleazar. We gave the family a number of gifts, sent with love from the United States. They could not stop thanking Jaime, Justin, me, the Fallesens and the ministry of Cl...
We traveled from Chilcabamba to Chalhua, where it was a joy to reconnect with Pastor Isabel as well as our precious Allison and her family. We spent much of the day in Machco, a neighboring village, where we invited many people to watch the Jesus film. We also had many opportunities to pray with a n...