Climbing For Christ



Mission: Peru 2025

Joy of Jesus

Gary Fallesen 0 98

Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition in the Peruvian Andes is scheduled May 18 to June 11. This will be an 11-day trek in the imposing and impressive Huayhuash range.

Dispatches: Nepal 2024

Mission: Nepal 2024

Gary Fallesen 0 801

The Climbing For Christ way: returning to remote places time after time, growing relationships, sharing the love of Jesus, praying for the salvation of one – and then another. One at a time for all time. We return to Nepal on our 21st expedition to this Himalayan nation. Check back for daily Dispatches from May 1 to 18.


Latest News

Hayley Hope Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 7799
Hayley Fallesen sharing love of Jesus with Kurdish children on Mission: Ararat 2013. Nationality: American. Occupation: College student, professional ice-cream scooper and babysitter/nanny. Missions with C4C: Turkey 2013, Peru 2014, Tanzania 2014, Malawi 2016, and Nepal 2017. How long have you c...

Mission Moments: Pakistan

Gary Fallesen 0 4018
Joy for children treated as slaves Save Pakistan delivered 25 “Joy Boxes” – CHRISTmas packages that included clothing, food, candy and a toy – to children who are treated as “slaves” in the brick factories. “It was a good experience to see ...

Mission Moments: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 3832
Merry CHRISTmas from Simikot The church at Simikot on land purchased with funding provided by the LORD through Climbing For Christ. The land has been purchased and the fundraising is underway for the construction of the first church building in the headquarters of Nepal’s F...

Mission Moments: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 8263
Land purchased for a ‘city on a hill’ By Gary Fallesen President, Climbing For Christ A happy man: Pastor Harka shows his joy and the document certifying ownership of the land he is standing on. Soon, we pray, a church building will stand there. (Photo by Megh Gurun...

Project 1:27 Update

Connecting through caring

Elaine Fallesen 0 4702

Connecting through caring By Elaine Fallesen Climbing For Christ It was what many of us used to call a “Kodak moment”: Fourteen-year-old Chiring, an orphan in Kathmandu, Nepal, was nearly beside himself with happiness as he stared at a Facebook photo of his Project ...

Photo of the Week: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 3833
Hiking into Torpa, a Buddhist village in the Far West district of Humla, Nepal. (Photo by Gary Fallesen, Mission: Nepal 2015) Building the church Climbing For Christ has conducted 10 Evangelic Expeditions to Nepal, including four trips to the remote Far West district of Humla from 2012 to 2015. ...

Mission: Nepal (Oct.) 2015 Dispatches

Gary Fallesen 0 5607

By Gary Fallesen Climbing For Christ Friday, Oct. 16 ‎ ‎“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” – Proverbs 3:6 (ESV) God is good, this much we know. When we abide in Him and Him in us, there is no shortage of blessed moments we ...

Adrianne Michele

Gary Fallesen 0 4799
Adrianne on knife ridge to Gray’s and Torrey’s in Colorado. Nationality: American. Occupation: Government worker. Missions with C4C: Morocco 2015 and Nepal 2012. How long have you climbed? About 13 years – since I’ve known Chris (her husband). Type of climbing you do: Hik...

Photo of the Week: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 3689
Photo of the Week by Gary Fallesen: Hiking past mani stones – used for Buddhist prayer – outside the Langtang village of Thuman during Mission: Nepal (Jan.-Feb.) 2012. Here comes the Son “I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall...

Mission Moments: Pakistan

Gary Fallesen 0 3912
Letting the children come to Him God has burdened Evangelist Haseeb for children in Pakistan. He has given him a heart for the hearts of youngsters. Save Pakistan, the ministry this long-time Climbing For Christ member founded, has an orphanage now. And during this year’s Mariabad Mela f...