Climbing For Christ



Mission: Peru 2025

Joy of Jesus

Gary Fallesen 0 98

Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition in the Peruvian Andes is scheduled May 18 to June 11. This will be an 11-day trek in the imposing and impressive Huayhuash range.

Dispatches: Nepal 2024

Mission: Nepal 2024

Gary Fallesen 0 801

The Climbing For Christ way: returning to remote places time after time, growing relationships, sharing the love of Jesus, praying for the salvation of one – and then another. One at a time for all time. We return to Nepal on our 21st expedition to this Himalayan nation. Check back for daily Dispatches from May 1 to 18.


Latest News

Mission Moments: NEPAL

Gary Fallesen 0 3624
‘One Lord, one faith, one baptism’ By Gary Fallesen Climbing For Christ “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). Brother Megh traveled from Kathmandu to the...

Mission Moments: PAKISTAN

Gary Fallesen 0 3600
Ultimate CHRISTmas gift: The Word Santa helps Save Pakistan deliver Bibles. The celebration of CHRISTmas would be lacking if it did not include The Word. After all, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). “And the W...

Mission Moments: NEPAL

Gary Fallesen 0 4859
Happy birthday, Jesus! Orphans go climbing for CHRIST(mas) in Malawi Thirty-nine children from the Climbing For Christ-supported SARA Ministries’ orphanages outside of Kathmandu celebrated CHRISTmas together with gifts, a meal, music and a birthday cake for Jesus. “It was a...

Mission Moments: PAKISTAN

Gary Fallesen 0 3594
Merry CHRISTmas, Pakistan Save Pakistan held its annual CHRISTmas outreach to widows and orphans. “It is great blessing for us to share with you that the Lord blessed us to share Christmas happiness with those who are orphans and widows,” said Evangelist Haseeb, Save Pakistan&rsqu...

Mission: Ararat 2015

Gary Fallesen 0 792
Climbing For Christ has been sent to Turkish Kurdistan to reach the lost – often sheep-herding families – living on and around the HIStoric slopes of Mount Ararat. PRAY: That God would send us a worker (Kurd or Turk) who is a Christ follower to serve alongside us in this field. ...

Mission: Nepal 2015

Gary Fallesen 0 1325
Climbing For Christ will again send a team to Humla. It will be our fourth expedition to Nepal’s Far West in less than 2½ years. We have witnessed the growth of the church from seven known believers to more than 125. PRAY: For the church’s growth to continue. Christianity w...

Mission Moments: PAKISTAN

Gary Fallesen 0 3230
Bibles delivered from heaven Sharing the Word. (Photos courtesy Save Pakistan) The woman had a vision as she prayed to God. She saw a green Bible coming to her from heaven. A few days later, members of the Climbing For Christ-supported Save Pakistan Ministry arrived in the woman’s villag...

Mission Moments: PAKISTAN

Gary Fallesen 0 3216
The Lord is moving even in the wake of persecution against C4C partner ministry Save Pakistan. “We baptized 11 new believers who gave themselves to the hands of God,” said Save Pakistan founder, Evangelist Haseeb, on Tuesday, Nov. 4. “They invited Jesus Christ in their hearts to wa...


Gary Fallesen 0 12804
Top of the world: 29,035-foot/8,848-meter Mount Everest, left, and 25,850-foot/7,879-meter Nuptse. (Photo by Jim Nowlin, Mission: Nepal 2008) Nepal is home to some of the world's most breathtaking and awe-inspiring mountains. In fact, Nepal claims a staggering eight of the world’s 10 high...