$11 for 11
By Gary Fallesen
Founding president, Climbing For Christ
Climbing For Christ celebrates its 11th anniversary this month. C4C was incorporated as a U.S. non-profit in New York State on April 20, 2004. Since then, we have seen more than 2,000 brothers and sisters in Christ join a ministry that goes where others cannot and will not, such as the mountains of Nepal, Peru, Turkey and Indonesia.
To date, we have completed 78 short-term mission trips. We have done ongoing work through indigenous members in a dozen nations – from outreach to orphanages, and from building churches to building up the church.
God has blessed us mightily, and He has blessed nearly 200 C4C members by sending them to the ends of the earth to witness God At Work.
Joye Cantrell, a teacher from Banning, CA, USA, who joined Climbing For Christ in July 2009, went on her first Evangelic Expedition last year. Mission: Ararat 2014 rocked her world the way our mission trips have been known to do.
Joye Cantrell with a Kurdish woman on Mount Ararat.
Joye is an active member: not only GO-ing with us, but also praying for and giving to C4C on a regular basis.
“I would like to put forth a challenge to all our members,” Joye wrote this week. “April 20th marks 11 years of Climbing For Christ ministry. If we all gave just $11 this month as a special offering, how could that lump sum be used? I will be mailing my check today [Monday] in addition to my usual gift. It’s not much, but when multiplied by all members it could make a difference. God bless you and your ministry!”
While 2,064 people have joined C4C over the years, we currently have an e-mailing list of about 1,200. If everyone reading this contributed $11, we would be blessed with more than $13,000. Imagine how these funds could be used…
- To support Evangelist Haseeb and Save Pakistan with the distribution of Urdu-language Bibles to new believers in need of the Word, and also to help feed the children in their orphanage. On Wednesday, April 8, Haseeb and family commemorated the one-year anniversary of the taking of his sister, Permila, for whom we continue to pray.
- To send Pastor Rich Friday into the Rwenzori Mountains for another crusade to reach the lost. “I will try to hire some equipment and climb again because people are too thirsty and hungry for God’s Word,” Rich said on March 26 from Uganda.
- To send East Africa missionary Damson Samson from his home in southern Malawi to northeastern Tanzania to continue training Kilimanjaro guides and porters in evangelism. [Read “Seeing God’s glory on Africa’s roof.”]
- To build churches in Nepal.
- To GO to other mountainous places that remain unreached and engaged countless unengaged souls for HIS glory!
Orphans sponsored by C4C’s Project 1:27 praying in Nepal. (Photo by Elaine Fallesen)
To join the $11-for-11 challenge, send your donation to Climbing For Christ, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.
In Canada, donations also are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA. Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1. Or give online at http://tgcfcanada.org/donate. Mark your contribution: “Climbing For Christ CANADA.”