Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Happy birthday, C4C!

Anniversary of praise

By Gary Fallesen
Founding president, Climbing For Christ

There have been innumerable breathtaking God moments experienced in Climbing For Christ’s 11-year HIStory. Conversions, healings, provision, protection – occurrences and recurrences that cause God-bumps.


Dr. Matthew examining a sick child in Nepal. (Photo by Jordan Rowley)

On Mission: Nepal 2015, C4C’s trekking team visited the remote village of Takla in the Far Western district of Humla. During an impromptu health clinic, held by the two doctors on our team (Matthew Fisher of Canada and Eduárd Nitkovszki of Hungary), we met a mother with a desperately ill one-month-old baby. “Only God can save that baby,” Matthew said after examining the child. [See “Only God can save” in The Climbing Way – CLICK HERE and download Vol. 31.]

That was one month ago today.
“I heard the small baby of Takla is 80 percent better,” Nepal member Megh Gurung reported last week.

This is God at work. We have been blessed to not only be front-row spectators in His ministry to the last, least and lost in places where others cannot or will not go, but also to be used by Him to reach the unreached and engage the unengaged. We give thanks and praise to the One Who has made 11 years of C4C possible.

Today marks our official birthdate: April 20, 2004.

We finished our 11th year by seeing (among other things):



Gopal at graduation ceremony. (Photo provided)
  • Gopal, a Nepali we supported through Bible college in India, graduate into Pastor Tej Rokka’s Savior Alone Redeems Asians (SARA) ministry.
  • Funding provided by Crowsnest Christian Centre – home church for several of our C4C Canada board members in Alberta – that will allow Pastor Duncan Nyozani to bring four more children into the Malawi orphanage supported by Climbing For Christ. Twenty-one children soon will be cared for through Project 1:27 in Malawi. (We also support an orphanage program of 29 children in Nepal.)
  • The start of the process of purchasing land and building a church in Simikot, Nepal. Watch “Humla’s house of worship.”
  • The start of another mission to the Kilimanjaro area of Tanzania by our East Africa missionary Damson Samson.
  • Preparations continuing for Mission: Ararat 2015 (May 29-June 14) with team members Charlotte Crain, Elaine Fallesen and Jessica Jones; Mission: Peru 2015 (in late July), and potential expeditions to Indonesia and Morocco.
  • Ministry with indigenous partners continuing in Pakistan and Uganda.

“It’s a great pleasure to hear of the Climbing For Christ 11th anniversary,” Pastor Rich Friday of Uganda. “Above all, I am so happy to know that God is still thinking about the unreached people of Mount Rwenzori through the efforts of Climbing for Christ’s mission. May God continue blessing you and using you toward the lost souls of Mount Rwenzori.”

And beyond – to mountains to the ends of the earth – for another year and all for HIS glory.

Birthday challenge

Call it the $11-for-11 challenge. Or, as C4C member and challenge-initiator Joye Cantrell of California renamed it, the Climbing For Christ Members’ 11th Annual Celebration Climb. We don’t care what you call it, but we ask you to make a special anniversary offering to C4C.

Send a gift of $11 (or more) to Climbing For Christ, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.

In Canada, donations also are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA.  Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1. Or give online at Mark your contribution: “Climbing For Christ CANADA.”


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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