In May 2011, God sent a team of four from the United States to the Peruvian Andes Mountains. It was a family affair. The U.S. contingent was made up of father and son Gary and Jesse Fallesen, and brothers Jordan and Justin Rowley. This foursome was blessed to serve alongside many of our Climbing For Christ members from Peru. It was a joy for the Americans to get to know their Peruvian brothers, and to experience their passion for the Lord and the lost. Mission: Peru 2011 was essentially planned as a survey trip, and we learned very quickly that the fields in the remote mountains of Peru were (and are) very ripe for the harvest.
It was during Mission: Peru 2011 that Jaime Servat became Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru. From 2011 to today, brother Jaime has been a man on a mission, setting out for remote villages, evangelizing and ministering along the way. It was a number of these villages (and a few others) that the Lord led Climbing For Christ to visit during Mission: Peru 2012 and again in 2013.
Jaime has been a member of Climbing For Christ since 2006 and first received support for the evangelism he was led to do in September 2010. CLICK HERE to read “The cost of a soul? Priceless.”
In the years that Climbing For Christ has served in Peru, we’ve seen our Lord do great and mighty things. Some highlights:
- We’ve been blessed to fund the building of HIS church in the village of Chalhua. Throughout South America (and much of the world), to have a church building is more than just a place to fellowship away from the wind, rain and snow. A church building is a holy place; a community place; God’s place.
- Climbing For Christ has also been blessed to deliver the precious Word of God to hundreds of mountain farmers. Many have received Spanish Bibles, and others have received Bibles in Quechua (the heart language of the mountain people).
- C4C has also been called to deliver the Good News to a number of mountain villages as well. Whether through our short-term mission teams, through our financially supported missionary Jaime Servat or through our other C4C Peru members, the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed in the Peruvian Andes – and the harvest is plentiful! Many have come to true faith in Jesus as we’ve had the joy of sharing His love and truth with many people.