Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Peru, Mission: Peru 2011

July 2011

Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, returned to Chalhua for the first time since our Mission: Peru 2011 team was in the Cordillera Blanca range in May. He visited our dear little sister Alison, the girl whom our team met and fell in love with, and also saw Pastor Isabel. After this visit, he continued on to explore and survey many other villages.

Here are edited excerpts from Jaime’s exhaustive report to C4C:

Monday, July 18, at 5:45 a.m., I started from Huaraz to Chalhua via Yungay, arriving at 10:40 a.m. I was visiting the grandmother of Alison when I heard there was news about Alison’s father — he was killed in a Lima suburb, where he lived a life of alcoholism. She received the news just this day and they were chocked (with emotion). They had not told Alison.

Alison running to greet Jaime.

I went out of the house to pray and Alison appeared (some distance) away from me. I called to her and she came running, so happy. She told me, “Brother Jaime, you are my daddy,” and she invited me to lunch with her family. I was teaching her about Jesus the Lord. It was a special time to see Alison with much hunger for Him.

After our lunch, I met with Pastor Isabel and she told me that the brother who is the owner wishing to sell land (to the house church at Chalhua) is wishing to sell to an unbeliever. They are praying that C4C Worldwide Mission would be able to send half of the land’s cost (US$900) so the land will be legalized with documents. I told her I would be reporting this news and we would be praying and His will be done.

Jaime, left, with Alison and Pastor Isabel.

I visited a young father, named Wilder Cruz (30 years old with two sons), who was interested in becoming a Christian. He was asking many questions and we were praying together. He decided to give his life to the Lord when I returned from the other villages the next day.

Tuesday, July 19, at 4:15 a.m., I started from Chalhua to Mismi Village with Pastor Isabel’s husband, Marino, arriving at 9:45 p.m.

Jaime on his 17½-hour trek toward Mismi Village.

Brother Marino and I started a hike to Mismi Village, which should have taken six hours. Then I came down in 30 centimeters of mud (nearly 1 foot deep). My right leg was sunken so my old boot was filled with mud and water. I had to walk without socks after that and it hurt my right heel. So when we got to the village I was assisted and rested, and we had a special time to share. Brother Victor Arellan and his wife Ipola told me they were praying to God to see a church in their village, where there are 16 farmers approximately and only two Christian couples.

I ministered to an old (88 years old), single miss who is living with them, called Gregoria Arellan, for healing because she is suffering pains on her body. She was born like a new creature in Jesus Christ and her pains were less after we ministered with Sister Ipola — so praise God!

After this I was presented to brother Victor and Elsa Manrrique, who welcomed me for two nights. At dinner we prayed and I shared about Alison and the church in Chalhua and they were touched by His Spirit to grant any three lands they have to our C4C ministry — so praise God!

Wednesday, July 20, at 11 a.m., I started to Sapcha Town and I arrived at 11:30 a.m. Walking on the road I met a man who was looking at the Sapcha Town panorama. I greeted him and said I would go to meet Christians there. He said, “I am a Christian,” and we embraced and praised God.

The panorama from Sapcha Village.

He asked me to pray for healing because he was returning from a medical house and said his bones were paining him. So I ministered to him and he said, crying, “Thanks (be to) God!” I followed brother Jubenal Obregon and, wow, a farmer lady and her two little boys greeted me. The lady told me, “I am a Christian and I am coming from the medical post in Sapcha Town because we are sick.” I said, “Well, we need to pray to God.” I ministered to all there and after she said, “Thanks (be to) God! I live in Wicruncocha Village; you may visit us any moment.” I blessed them and said you will see us soon.

Arriving to Sapcha Town I met a widow sister called Teodora. Sister Elsa recommended I visit her home and I shared about C4C Ministry and I prayed for her, too. She invited me to visit worship that night in a house room with brothers from different villages around there.

I was informed by sister Teodora that Sapcha Town is very Catholic, and the people have hard hearts and idols. There are 500 people, approximately, and only two Christians.

At 1 p.m., I returned to Mismi Village, where I was checking the different lands granted by our beloved brother Victor and Elsa Manrrique.

The Manrrique and Arellan families went with me to Sapcha Town to worship at 8 p.m. We had a blessed worship to God, where I was presented by some Christian leaders from the Assembly of God church. I was informed there that many brothers and sisters who are walking from 30 minutes to 1 hour to worship, so they are praying to God to have a worthy church.

After worship, when many brothers and sisters from different villages were going to their houses, a brother called Amador Cunza from Palcash Village (about 1½ hours from Sapcha Town) told me: “Dear brother, we are praying for an integral church in my village and I would like to grant a land to God so you could build there with C4C Ministry. Please visit me next time.” Palcash Village has 100 people, approximately, and 10 people are interested in being Christians. There are only two Christians now.

Thursday, July 21, at 6 a.m., I started from Mismi Village on my way to Wicruncocha Village. I met many dogs, which were aggressive, on the road. But God calmed them.

At 7 a.m., I got to Paqcha Village and I asked a farmer lady if I would be near to Wicrucocha Village to see Pastor Pedro. She said, “Ten minutes on the road.” I asked if she knew any Christians and she said, “We are.” Then a man, who was a brother called Demetrio Nicolas, told me: “Please brother, can you pray for a sister in this house?” I ministered to her. Before I arrived I was reading a Quechua Bible on healing.

After this, we walked 10 minutes more to meet Pastor Pedro, who is leading Assembly of God church in Wicrucocha Village. He welcomed me into his home. We were together almost three hours, sharing my personal testimony, until get a brother called Avelino Agustin (52 years old) came along. He was a Christian — the only one — in Yacuywarmi Village. But there are many farmers — approximately 150 — expecting His Gospel. Brother Avelino told me he could grant land to God and to have a new church there.

I arrived in Chalhua at noon. I was received by Alison's grandmother, who granted me a room to rest. After a few minutes Alison came from school and was very excited. “Hi, Papito,” she said. We had dinner — a delicious Andean dish — and Alison did her school homework with me. Before going to sleep we prayed with her grandparents and said thanks to God.

Friday, July 22, at 7 a.m. we woke up. We prayed together and Alison went to school very happy, jumping. Minutes later I met brother Marino and we went to Yanama to visit Pastor Esteban Lazarte, who was with us during Mission: Peru 2011 in May. We prayed for his wife when we were all there.

Pastor Esteban Lazarte recommended we visit two villages where brothers are discouraged and the people are thirsty for Him. He suggested visiting Hierbabuena Village, where there are 250 farmers who are winnable for Christ. They need a church, too. He also said Chilcabamba Village is interesting, with 400 farmers and only two evangelic homes.

I said, “Oh, my God, there is so much work to do.”

After this, I got a van to Yungay City, arriving at 1:30 p.m. I met a young Christian man who works as a high mountain cook. I shared C4C Ministry with brother Cesar and he invited me to come to Huaripampa Village. He said the farmers are winnable for Christ.

I arrived at Yungay at 5 p.m. and then took a bus to Huaraz, arriving at 7 p.m.

The beauty of God's creation in Peru.

On Saturday, July 23, Edwin Milla, a mountain guide who co-coordinates C4C Peru with Jaime, called Servat and told him a package from Climbing For Christ had arrived from the United States. It had been shipped from the C4C home office in Rochester, N.Y. not long after our team returned to the States. The package included ministry resources, gifts for Alison, and climbing tools donated by AustriAlpin to our sponsored climber Edwin. Peruvian customs had held the package for many weeks, finally releasing it after numerous communications between C4C and the government.

Jaime said: “I am praying to go in August to Chalhua and deliver the gifts to Alison and visit the Yacuywarmi, Paqcha, Wicruncocha, Mismi, Palcash, Yanama, Chilcabamba, Hierbabuena, Huaripampa Villages and more.”

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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