Sharing the Word
Mission Moment (Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012)
Evangelist Haseeb was pleased to share with us how the Lord performed a mighty work through Save Pakistan’s Bible distribution project at the annual Mariabad Mela festival on Sept. 4. While tens of thousands of idol-worshippers gathered, a small group of Christ-followers handed out 100 Urdu Bibles and 2,500 Christian wall calendars.
“It was really a great experience to us,” Haseeb said. “There was a huge crowd around me. Everybody was trying to get their own Bible and I was getting much happiness to see the people who were struggling to get the Bible.”
He only prayed that he would have more Bibles in the Urdu language to distribute. That prayer was being answered around the world, where God was providing through Climbing For Christ supporters for the purchase of an additional 850 Bibles.
Since October 2011, Climbing For Christ has raised more than US$8,700 to provide 1,475 Bibles to Christians in a country that is 97-percent Muslim.
“I feel so happy when they read God's Word in their own hand in their own language,” Haseeb said. “God gave His Word free; let us give this Word to people who can't afford to have one.”
The goal of Save Pakistan’s Bible distribution ministry is to “meet the needs of all brothers and sisters in Pakistan who love His Word,” Haseeb said. “We hope that through our earnest service the Bible can reach every Christian and be available to everyone who deeply desires to get it.
“Imagine someone coming to you and sharing the Gospel. They give you a new hope, but though you caught a glimpse of the blessed Hope they offered you in Jesus, though you invited Him into your life and experienced His reality, you had no way to read His Word and learn more. Think carefully for a moment what it would be like to try to reach God without His Word to study. Such is the life of many, many Christians today all over the world.”