Mission Moments: Nepal
Church completed in Kathmandu
Kindly rejoice with us for what our Almighty God the Father has given us as special gift: a sanctuary to worship Him in spirit and truth. We are the body of Christ, Son of the Living God. He answered our prayer and gave us this beautiful church sanctuary to meet with Jesus and have wonderful fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You can look at this house of God and inner sanctuary, where saints are gladly worshiping God. On behalf of my family and believers of SARA (Savior Alone Reaches Asians), I would like to thank God and Climbing For Christ, Board members, and each donor who contributed financially toward this project as well as those who are going to contribute toward it to clear the due (cost). God bless each one of you and the ministry of C4C USA and Canada. It is three weeks (since) we moved in this new place and when we came here so far five people have accepted the Lord for the first time into their life as their Lord and Savior. Isn't it great? We invest our resources for this purpose. To God be the glory. Thank you again. I have no words to explain how I and members of our church feel to have such blessings after 17 years of tearful prayers.
Pastor Tej Rokka
Kathmandu, Nepal
Building the church
Climbing For Christ's mission is to deliver the Gospel where others cannot or will not, disciple, build the church (and churches), and provide physical help ranging from education and farming to medicine, sanitation and clean water. The church at Kathmandu, Nepal is the ninth to be completed and third in Nepal. There are still bills to pay on this finished structure and other churches to build.
To support the building of churches in Nepal and other mountainous countries, please send a financial gift to Climbing For Christ, P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290. Or CLICK HERE and give online via PayPal.
The Word
“...on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” – Matthew 16:18 (ESV)