Mission Moments: Peru
Encouragement in the Cordillera Negra
Looking toward the Cordillera Blanca from Jahua village.
Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, reports on the work being done in his home country in January 2014. Here is his translated and edited report:
On Wednesday, Jan. 8 to Sunday, Jan. 19, I was encouraging believers, winning souls and praying for healing in His field!
Praying to God at the beginning of the year, He put in my heart to visit a brother named Cain Abel in the Anta District west of Huaraz in the Cordillera Negra range. I asked him if he knew some villages that can receive His Name. Cain told me I could visit Cantar and Paccha villages, a hike between four or five hours through the mountains, where there were only two families of believers and they needed to be encouraged and receive Bibles. I prepared a blessing of New Testaments, clothing and canned fish and then hiked five hours to Cantar.
Jaime hiking to Cantar.
Crossing the village I saw nobody, but finally on a roadside I met a boy who was the son of brother Mario and he invited me to stay at his house. I delivered the gifts to Mario, his wife Cecilia, and their sons, and they were joyful. My will was to stay for five days, but it was not so because this family told me they were praying to move to Anta because they were suffering opposition with their animals and fields and threats to burn down their house. There are idolatrous and unbelievers there. Some farmers asked me, “Who are you? What do you want to do here?” God put in my heart the next day to visit brother Andres and his family in Paccha village about 15 minutes from Cantar. I prayed for healing for Mario’s son Carlos, who is 6 years old and had stomach pains, and God healed him. Then I was sharing His Word and praying for them.
Arriving to Paccha village, I met brother Andres and his wife Virginia, who were working in the field. We prayed. They told me I should start to another village because the farmers there are very idolatrous and my presence could be complicated for them. I asked if they had a Bible and they told me, yes, but I could give one of their son Eliseo, who is 16. I prayed with him and delivered His Word, for which he was blessed and grateful.
Pampacancha church leader Julio.
Then I started hiking one hour to Pampacancha, where I stayed in the house of brother Julio. He told me there were some families meeting in an Asambleas de Dios church and I could preach a message to encourage them. But also I should continue my mission work to another village because in his town many families are very hard (hearted) to accept the Lord Jesus. So only one evening I was with them teaching His Word.
The next day I started to Anta District and I met with brother Cain Abel and family. They invited me to lunch and I offered two New Testaments for his sister and her daughter, which they received with joy, and we prayed together to say good-bye in Christ. Then I started to a village name San Miguel de Aco, where God guided me to visit one Inglesia de Dios church. I met lay leader Isidoro, who received me with joy and we had worship with his daughter and other brother. I presented my will to serve Him in some villages in the Jangas District. He told me, “Praise God, because I just prayed to God for someone who can go support our brothers in a village named Jahua.” I told him, “Do not worry. Here I am to support because God will do it through me.” We prayed and we met again in the church on Sunday and they invited me to share the Lord’s message and they prayed for my work the next eight days to minister in Jahua.
The next few days I was visiting many Christian homes in Jahua and I was praying for healing for many believers and those new who came to Christ. There were three special cases to tell:
Teofilo’s broken and swollen hand.
- Brother Teofilo, a man dedicated to his fields, was pulling a tree to cut with a cord one day three months ago. It was very heavy and it broke an electrical cable and he immediately received an electric shock. It opened his left hand. He was carried to the hospital in Huaraz. He had three little bones in his fingers broken. They did not function and he was in pain. He is praying God may provide help and he can get surgery. I ministered to him. He was crying. I encouraged him and said I would contact Dr. Edgar de Paz, a member of C4C and the pastor of Leon de Juda church in Huaraz. Really, it was a case the broke my heart and God put in me a desire to return in February to deliver a love offering and an answer on my meeting with Pastor Edgar de Paz to see His miracle and our loved brother Teofilo may get new fingers.
Mother and daughter receive New Testaments.
- A little daughter of God fell into a hole almost three meters from a road next to an Evangelical Church where I was invited to preach. He heard a shout and crying and her mother, a sister in Christ who left her playing in the street, got her daughter in her arms and we were praying. I got a message of God’s love to care for our sons and daughters and come together to His prayer house because this is His precious will to adore Him with the family.
Juan and Luisa are new believers who received the Lord Jesus.
- Finally, one farmer couple named Juan and Luisa needed healing in their bones. They were so tired by the hard work in the field, seeding to live, so they never received the Lord Jesus in their heart. I prayed with them and they received the Lord and then Juan told me that he could buy a Bible and will visit the house-church where brother Eulogio is leading His Word. During my time I was sharing Matthew 16:1-20, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-18, Colossians 1:3-14 and Psalm 1:1-6.
Monday, Jan. 20 to Friday, Jan. 31...
I was fasting under prayer during three days so in my second day I visited C4C member Dr. Edgar de Paz in the hospital. I told him about our beloved brother Teofilo from Jahua village. He told me do not worry, we could support him with help. Really it was awesome because God was touching his heart so he will be in contact with a specialist.
I followed my fast and prayer for new souls, believers and news from Chalhua village and many other villages around Cordillera Negra and Cordillera Blanca; for C4C members, staff, missionaries, pastors associated, churches friends, sinners, and Evangelic Expeditions to other continents, etc.
Praying for a baby.
The Word
“And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever.” – 1 Chronicles 28:9