Moving Mountains
Help Climbing For Christ reach the lost in remote mountains of the world!
Buy a T-shirt (or hoodie) to send missionaries
Our new “Moving Mountains” design comes in short-sleeve T-shirts, long-sleeve shirts, women’s slim fit, youth Ts, and hoodies. You can pick from eight designs, and multiple colors and sizes. Prices range from $22.99 to $37.99.
The Holy Spirit is moving in the remote mountains of the world through Climbing For Christ! We’re an international ministry with a unique purpose: to GO and deliver the Gospel in mountainous areas at the ends of the earth, where other missionaries cannot or will not go. We seek out those who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. We address spiritual and physical needs, build churches and build up the body of Christ.
Now YOU can buy the T-shirt. Visit our Bonfire campaign to make your purchase:
Climbing For Christ is currently active in 10 countries, trekking from one village to another in roadless, desolate places such as Nepal, Peru, Tanzania, Turkey and more.
More people worldwide have not heard than have heard the Good News of Jesus Christ. Think about that! Climbing For Christ GO-es to make disciples of all nations (Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8). We provide indigenous missionary support, train disciples to make disciples, distribute Bibles, free brick factory slaves, deliver medical help, care for widows and orphans, and build houses of worship. Your purchase will support this mission.
Jesus was always looking for that one missing sheep. He’d leave 99 behind to GO and find the one that was lost. Climbing For Christ does the same. We GO to find lost people no one cares about – or even knows about – to rescue souls one at a time, so that their names may be added to the Book of Life.