Sponsor a Child
Project 1:27 Malawi
Climbing For Christ was introduced to the plight of what was then called Searchlight Orphan Care in Malawi, Africa on Oct. 25, 2009, when a thief broke into the orphanage and robbed all of the children’s food.
Seven bags of maize, two bags of beans, five liters of cooking oil, and 20 packets of sugar. A month’s worth of food for 15 orphans cared for by Pastor Duncan Nyozani’s ministry.
God provided through Climbing For Christ, as we were able to wire our Malawi member US$500 to replenish that which had been stolen. But through this unfortunate event, our heavenly Father opened a door. He introduced us to a need in this central African nation.
Project 1:27 — based on James 1:27 (“look after orphans ... in their distress”) — was born.
Since then, God has used Climbing For Christ and C4C Kingdom worker Damson Samson to impact the villages served by Pastor Duncan’s churches — starting with this small group of Project 1:27 Malawi orphans and expanding to programs for hundreds of widows, prisoners, and disciple-making training for mountain guides and porters.
In 2017, Climbing For Christ connected Pastor Duncan’s ministries with Hope Lutheran Church in Rochester, NY. Share Hope Foundation was created — a partnership that is blessing lives on both sides of the planet, and which now includes overseeing Project 1:27 support and orphan sponsor recruitment.
The 15 children below were sponsored as of August 2023. In a country where more than half of the population is under the age of 15 and AIDS has claimed the lives of many parents, there are more children waiting for a place to call home.
Sponsor a Child
Dickson Chimwaza
Sponsored by Louis-Olivier Petelle, Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Gift (Mphatso) Chipwere
Sponsored by Pat & Joel Slesak, Rochester, NY, USA
Ephraim Kapito
Sponsored by Allan & Allison Persons, Lakevillee, MN, USA
Junior Kapito
Sponsored by Barb & Steve Quakenbush, Cañon City, CO, USA
Vincent Kuchuwa
Sponsored by Laura & Adam Copper, Ca ñon City, CO, USA
Dorothy Mukalangeya
Sponsored by Louis-Olivier Petelle, Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Clement (Maganizo) Mukhumpwa
Sponsored by Michele & Henry Hoffman, Warrington, PA, USA
Stanley Gonani
Sponsored by Hugh Johnson, Rochester, NY, USA
Catherine Gwembere
Sponsored by Vicky Vorhauer, Rochester, NY, USA
Patrick James
Sponsored by Maureen & Paul Spindler, Rochester, NY, USA
Chrissy Kachala
Sponsored by Paul & Teresa Ludington, Rochester, NY, USA
Jackleen Maleta
I need a sponsor.
Charles Maso
Sponsored by Jeff & Rita Schultz, Rochester, NY, USA
Frank Nivevere
Sponsored by Susamma Mathew, Essex Junction, VT, USA
Zuze Thomusoni
Sponsored by George & Gail Moore, Rochester, NY, USA
Posted Nov. 25, 2009 / Updated Sept. 5, 2023