Gary Fallesen / Saturday, November 26, 2011 / Categories: Nigeria, Mission: Nigeria 2011, Dispatches Sunday, Nov. 27 Preparations for this Evangelic Expedition may not have gone exactly as we would like (one team member did not get a visa to make the trip), but God is in control. We prepare to GO in His name and to His glory, knowing we must put on the full armor of God, so that we can take a stand against the devil’s schemes (see Ephesians 6:11-13). The spiritual warfare has been intense — an indication that we are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing. As our team prepares to come together we share our prayers for the weeks ahead. Brandy Everts: “My main prayer for Mission: Nigeria 2011 is to not just be speaking words and going to visit the Koma Hills people, but that we would walk in the power of Holy Spirit and the light of Christ would be evident on us as we go. I hope to be used to talk and love on the Nigerian women and children.” Gary Fallesen: “His will be done.” Michael Heitland: “My primary prayer is this, ‘God, use us to advance the Gospel where your name is not proclaimed, and strengthen your church through our teaching. If there be obstacles, surmount them for Your glory. Help us Lord to magnify Your name and increase the worship given to You. Remind us daily that we are living on the brink of eternity.’ ” Chris Joseph: “My primary prayer for this trip is for God to use us as His instruments to positively affect the kingdom of heaven and negatively affect the kingdom of darkness to the glory of His name.” Friday, Nov. 18 Monday, Nov. 28 Print 3661 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author