Climbing For Christ



Gary Fallesen 0 6959
The spectacular 22,205-foot (6,768-meter) Huascaran Norte in the Cordillera Blanca. (Photo by Gabe Colburn, C4C) Many powerful civilizations once called ancient Peru their home. One of the more prominent peoples in history to occupy this land were the Incas. However, in spite of thier stature...


Mission: Peru 2025

Joy of Jesus

Gary Fallesen 0 94

Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition in the Peruvian Andes is scheduled May 18 to June 11. This will be an 11-day trek in the imposing and impressive Huayhuash range.

Mission: Peru 2024

Backpacks full of Jesus’s love

edmilla 0 951

Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition in the Peruvian Andes is scheduled for June 16 to July 2. This will be a 10-day trek in the imposing and impressive Huayhuash range.


Latest News

Mission Moments: Peru (June 2013)

Gary Fallesen 0 5218

Building HIS church By Jaime Servat C4C missionary to Peru I was received by our sister Alisson and her family, taking a time to give thanks to God to again be in Chalhua at the beginning of June. Then I met Pastor Ezequiel to pay him and some of the church workers, while others were harvesting...

Mission Moments: Peru (May 2013)

Gary Fallesen 0 4650
Church at Chalhua receiving favor By Jaime Servat C4C missionary to Peru His church is receiving His favor in His mountains! Building site of church at Chalhua. (Photos by Jaime Servat) Arriving in Chalhua village in early May, I was greeted by Alisson and her female cousin Yamely, and we p...

Peru: Mission Moments (April 2013)

Gary Fallesen 0 4482

Starting the first steps of building His Church By Jaime Servat C4C missionary to Peru Note: Funds recently were wired to Peru for the construction of the church at Chalhua, which is scheduled for completion by July 2013. When I arrived in the village of Chalhua, I was received by Alison and h...

Mission Moments: Peru (March Report)

Gary Fallesen 0 3804
As I arrived in Huanuco City, I was received by Brother Hilmar. He brought me to the Assembly of God Church of Pacapucro, where he is a church leader. Pacapucro is a rural area near Huanuco, a city in central Peru about 100 miles east of Huaraz – the base camp for Climbing For Christ in Peru. ...

Mission Moment: Peru (January report)

Gary Fallesen 0 4304
Mission Moments: Peru (January) In November 2012, Climbing For Christ was blessed to receive a generous donation from an American sister in Christ who wanted to see a church built in Chalhua. This was the answer to 1½ years of prayer by C4C. The church-building project began when Climbing F...

Mission Moments: Peru (November)

Gary Fallesen 0 4438
Throughout the month of November Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, traveled to Ecuador and to the mountain villages of Chalhua and Chilcabamba, Peru sharing the love of Jesus all along the way. We praise the Lord for this faithful brother and all of the wonderful work our...

Shining HIS light in the Hills

Gary Fallesen 0 4743
Mission Moments: October 2012 Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, spent most of the month of October delivering medicine, school supplies, Bibles, and of course, the Good News to the Peruvian mountain villages of Ranraucro, Hierbabuena and Chalhua. Here is his edited and...

Working soul to soul in His vineyard

Gary Fallesen 0 4983
Mission Moments: September 2012 Jaime Servat leaving Carhuapara on the way to Chilcabamba village. From Sept. 10-24, 2012, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, returned to the remote villages of Chalhua, Chilcabamba and their surrounding areas to minister. Here is Jaime&...

October 2011 part 2

Gary Fallesen 0 4004
Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, returned again to the mission field to survey the needs from Oct. 21-29. Jaime gave thanks for what the Lord showed him and for His “strength to persist.” Jaime has been ill, “but His mercy was covering me every time I w...

October 2011

Gary Fallesen 0 4509
Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, said God changed our plans to His plans and showed us a village in the Cordillera Negra “open to receive His name.” Jaime went with Edwin Milla, a guide and C4C’s sponsored climber, and Edwin’s brother Marco. The o...