Climbing For Christ



Gary Fallesen 0 6936
The spectacular 22,205-foot (6,768-meter) Huascaran Norte in the Cordillera Blanca. (Photo by Gabe Colburn, C4C) Many powerful civilizations once called ancient Peru their home. One of the more prominent peoples in history to occupy this land were the Incas. However, in spite of thier stature...


Mission: Peru 2024

Backpacks full of Jesus’s love

edmilla 0 873

Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition in the Peruvian Andes is scheduled for June 16 to July 2. This will be a 10-day trek in the imposing and impressive Huayhuash range.

Mission: Peru 2023

Delivering Good News to distant and forgotten people

Gary Fallesen 0 1624

We are returning to the scene of the climb, a trek in the northern reaches of the Cordillera Blanca we visited in 2015. We had planned to GO there in 2022, but that was not God's plan (Proverbs 16:9). Mission: Peru 2022 was rescheduled for 2023 because of serious illnesses in the family of our national worker.


Latest News

Mission: Peru 2013

Gary Fallesen 0 1035
Date: July 8-21. Length of trip: 14 days. Team size: 4-6 members. Purpose: Trekking village to village in the Cordillera Blanca range to continue the delivery of the Good News of Jesus Christ. This expedition will pick up where the short-term teams from the last two years have left off and Peruvian...

Mission: Peru 2012

Gary Fallesen 0 651
Date: July 16-29, 2012. Purpose: To continue the work begun on the survey trip (Mission: Peru 2011) near Huascaran National Park. To serve with C4C Peru members and friends in bringing the Gospel to the unsaved, as well as strengthening and encouragement to the local church in several remote ...

Mission: Peru 2012 HIStory

Gary Fallesen 0 5598
Trekking toward Peruvian highpoint Nevado Huascaran. Peru is a country of breathtaking physical beauty! This is especially true in the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Negra ranges of the Andes Mountains. Gorgeous mountain peaks, valleys, lagoons, waterfalls and rivers beautifully proclaim the po...

Last Survey of the season

Gary Fallesen 0 3618
Mission Moments: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2011 “I ended the missionary exploration trips as it is difficult in the winter season,” missionary Jaime Servat said. “It is so hard to get ways to the villages with a lot of mud and landslides, which complicates every route in the highlands.&rdq...

Last survey of the season (Tuesday, Nov. 1)

Gary Fallesen 0 2862
“I ended the missionary exploration trips as it is difficult in the winter season,” missionary Jaime Servat said. “It is so hard to get ways to the villages with a lot of mud and landslides, which complicates every route in the highlands.” Jaime made two survey trips i...

Survey says harvest is plentiful in Peru

Gary Fallesen 0 3323
Jaime trekking into Yacuywarmi, Peru. Mission Moment: Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011 Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, was preparing for another survey mission — this time with our sponsored climber Edwin Milla. The pair will be going into villages in the Cordiller...

Survey says harvest is plentiful in Peru (Tuesday, Oct. 4)

Gary Fallesen 0 2778
Jaime trekking into Yacuywarmi, Peru. Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, was preparing for another survey mission — this time with our sponsored climber Edwin Milla. The pair will be going into villages in the Cordillera Negra range opposite the Cordillera...

God again shows us the need

Gary Fallesen 0 3423
Mission Moment: Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2011 Climbing For Christ's missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, received a phone call from Alison on Monday, Sept. 12. “She told me that she is going to Lima with her grandmother Teresa to see her mother Taina because she (Taina) is sick again,” Jaime s...

God again shows us the need (Wednesday, Sept. 14)

Gary Fallesen 0 2417
Climbing For Christ's missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, received a phone call from Alison on Monday, Sept. 12. “She told me that she is going to Lima with her grandmother Teresa to see her mother Taina because she (Taina) is sick again,” Jaime said. Alison, the little girl our Mis...

Survey Reports: October 2011

Gary Fallesen 0 3516
October 2011 Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, returned again to the mission field to survey the needs from Oct. 21-29. Jaime gave thanks for what the Lord showed him and for His “strength to persist.” Jaime has been ill, “but His mercy was coveri...