Mission Moments: MALAWI
Orphans go climbing for CHRIST(mas)
Pastor Duncan and his Searchlight Ministries’ orphan care rented a van for a CHRISTmas Eve daytrip to Mulanje Massif. The children, who are supported prayerfully and financially by Climbing For Christ, hiked to a spectacular waterfall and enjoyed lunch and snacks, the pool, and exploring the resort grounds. Everyone sported some of their CHRISTmas gifts – new clothes and new school bags purchased with funds provided through C4C.
Malawi orphans climbing for CHRISTmas.
“They enjoyed the trip very much,” Duncan said. “They were able to see some beautiful places. All the clothes are new clothes bought for them. We had a very wonderful Christmas. Thank you so much for the support for these to happen. God bless you.”
God provided US$900 through Project 1:27 sponsor parents.
Sponsor a child
To sponsor a Project 1:27 orphan in Malawi CLICK HERE.
The Word
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” – James 1:27 (ESV)