DISPATCH: Tuesday, July 17

Gary Fallesen

DISPATCH: Tuesday, July 17

This morning Jaime introduced us to Pastor Cesar, a man who has passionately devoted his life to following Jesus. We were blessed to learn Pastor Cesar’s testimony and how God is using him for His glory. After the team gathered around and prayed for him, Pastor Cesar decided to join our team today as we headed into the mountains. We are glad to have him join us. We know that God moved him to be a part of this team for a good purpose.

After our time of prayer we went to the Bible League of Peru, where thanks to the Lord’s gracious provision we were able to buy 5 study Bibles for village pastors or leaders as well as 50 regular Bibles to hand out as we do our daytime outreach and Jesus film presentations. The Bible League of Peru also donated 50 Gospel of John study guides.

After purchasing the Bibles, we set out on what would be a 7-hour drive from Lima to Huaraz. Upon our arrival at the Blessed Relief Hotel, we were greeted by brother Edwin, Climbing For Christ’s sponsored climber in Peru, and a few other C4C friends. Praise God for a wonderful day filled with many blessings.

“John answered and said, ‘A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven.’” — John 3:27 (NKJV)

— 11:10 p.m. local time


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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