Mission Moments: NIGERIA

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Nigeria, Mission Moments

Mission Moments: NIGERIA

Thousands have fled the Boko Haram attack on the city of Mubi to Yola in the northeastern state of Adamawa, where C4C ministers to Koma Hills people. C4C has been preparing to send Pastor Chris back to the Koma Hills to preach, teach and deliver gifts. “The purpose should be to convey your greetings to them and let them know that we still love them,” said Pastor Chris, who also hopes to show the Jesus Film to people from several villages in a central location. “It will be one night with the King.

“The challenge there is these people are gift conscious,” Chris added. “We should get writing materials (notebooks, pens, pencils) as a means of boosting the academic morale of those in school and perhaps one or two bags of salt for the women.”

Several have come to Christ since we first visited the Hills along the Cameroon border in 2011. We are praying for their physical and spiritual safety, especially as the terrorist group Boko Haram continues to terrorize anyone standing in its path.

Boko Haram warned “all Christians in Mubi to relocate or be prepared to be Islamized, warning that those who refuse would be killed according to their Islamic tenets,” the Daily Independent newspaper in Lagos, Nigeria reported. The newspaper and other media also report that Boko Haram is expected to advance next on Yola, the state’s capital.

One female student from Adamawa University was quoted in the Daily Independent saying: “I must give thanks and praises to God Almighty for sparing my life; I saw as people were slaughtered like goats and closed my eyes, only to open again to see myself alive.”

Meanwhile, farther north in the Borno state, more than 30 children were abducted. More than 200 schoolgirls were kidnapped in Borno earlier this year. Boko Haram – and other Islamic extremists – claim the Quran permits them to “Put to the sword all the men in it (a city captured) … (and) you may take (the women and children) as plunder for yourselves,” according to a story on “Slavery in Islam” in The Economist magazine (Oct. 18-24).

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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