C4C Minnesota

C4C - 3B

Gary Fallesen 0 3169
C4C-3B We're rethinking our famous C4C-3B — a monthly meeting where we will have a Bible study, do some bouldering and hang out by a bonfire. Thanks to a lot of help, the WonderWill bouldering cave (located at 7611 Kiowa Ave., Chanhassen) is open for business, and ready for fellowship! ...

50/50 Climbathon

Gary Fallesen 0 2972
50/50 CLIMBATHON Our goal was to raise money for Mission: Haiti. On Saturday, June 6 and Sunday, June 7, we held our first (annual maybe) 50/50. That is, 50 miles in 50 hours. This Climbing For Christ fundraiser was be held on the Superior Hiking Trail.

Afton Family Hike

Gary Fallesen 0 3237
Afton Family Hike The first annual C4C MN Chapter Fall Foliage Family Fun Hike on Saturday, Sept. 27 was a great success. Six people participated in the pleasant 3.5-mile hike through the rolling St. Croix River valley in Afton State Park. It was also the first C4C event for the newly married...

Climb On

Gary Fallesen 0 3039
Climb On The chapter's first annual “Climb On” weekend was Saturday, May 16 and Sunday, May 17 at Taylors Falls. To see a YouTube slideshow go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhz1KrDekOA

Climbing at Taylor's Falls

Gary Fallesen 0 3036
Climbing at Taylor’s Falls We had eight people attend and two learned how to multi-pitch and trad climb on Saturday, July 26. One of those attending was an exchange student from Europe. We met a bunch of climbers and had some great dialogue with them, some about environment and a little...

Prayer Peak Days

Gary Fallesen 0 3255
Prayer Peaks Day Three members started hiking and praying over the first letter “p” when it started raining on Barn Bluff in Redwing, Minn. onSaturday, June 28. We found a cave that was a short, Class 4 scramble up from the trail, and took shelter there until the rain stopped. We ...

Vision Casting

Gary Fallesen 0 2857
Vision casting Gary Fallesen, president of Climbing For Christ, spoke at the chapter's 2008 kick-off meeting on Sunday, Jan. 6 at chapter coorindator Isaac Will's house. He will shared the HIStory of Climbing For Christ, reviewed 2007 mission trips, previewed the 2008 Evangelic Expeditions, s...
