Mission: Nepal 2012

Mulanje Massif Chapter HIStory

Gary Fallesen 0 2146
HIS story for the Mulanje Massif Chapter Feb. 15, 2016: Orientation meeting. Eight guides & 19 porters. See “A new chapter” in story “Starvation threatens Malawi.” March 8, 2016: Gary Fallesen (along with Hayley Fallesen and Climbing For Christ’s Malawi-based staf...

Mission: Kilimanjaro HIStory

Gary Fallesen 0 3943
Gary Fallesen, left, on Mount Kilimanjaro summit, 1998. 1998 While training for his first climb of Kilimanjaro, Gary Fallesen is instructed by God to “start a Christian climbing organization.” This is the beginning of CLIMBING FOR CHRIST, incorporated in April 2004. C4C beg...

GO-ing means never having to say you’re sorry

Gary Fallesen 0 3313
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9 (ESV) Compassion fatigue is a very real challenge when you find yourself in the trenches day in and day out, always trying to find a way to give more, do more, be mor...

HIStory: Serving in Indonesia

Gary Fallesen 0 3653
Climbing For Christ’s first trip to Indonesia in June 2007 resulted in the ministry’s first chapter outside of North America. JEJAK (an acronym for following in the footsteps of Jesus) had more than 30 members at the time of their welcome. “Since the first visit by Climbing ...

HIStory: Kilimanjaro

Gary Fallesen 0 4004
Mount Kilimanjaro summit ridge, 1998. Roots on the rooftop of Africa By Gary Fallesen Founding president, Climbing For Christ Kilimanjaro holds a special place in the formation and growth of Climbing For Christ. As I was training to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in 1998, God ...


Gary Fallesen 0 7629
Kilimanjaro holds a special place in the formation and growth of Climbing For Christ. As Gary Fallesen was training to climb Kilimanjaro in 1998, God spoke to him and told him to start a Christian climbing organization. From that meeting on a road, Climbing For Christ was eventually born. In the ori...

HIStory: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 5525
A letter to Climbing For Christ Dear family: Greetings in Jesus' name! There are so many things to praise God about. He is so good to us and He has brought many blessings through Climbing For Christ (C4C). I can proudly say that all that has happened and is happening in Nepal is not by man's migh...
