Mission: Pakistan 2023

Mission Moments: Indonesia

Gary Fallesen 0 2867
Aid for those in need of salt and light Devastation in Palu, Central Sulawesi, including a destroyed mosque, is seen in this aerial photo from the Reuters news agency. Natural disasters in the country with the world’s largest Muslim population continue to be a wakeup call to the churc...

Trip Report: Indonesia 2018

Gary Fallesen 0 2661
Hell in Indonesia’s high places By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ “Joe,” not his real name, thanked us for coming. He asked us to send people to work with him. He is lonely. He expressed his happiness to have brothers in Christ visit the pl...

Dispatches: Indonesia 2018

Gary Fallesen 0 3090
Monday, June 11 Our little team‎ with an Indonesian worker: What’s wrong with this picture? There are only four laborers. Many more are needed! After we learned that Americans wouldn’t be welcomed among the u...

Mission: Indonesia 2018

Gary Fallesen 0 966
Jesus weeps over hundreds of millions of lost Indonesians We wept — just like our Savior, Jesus Christ. In John, chapter 11, we read about the death of Jesus’s good friend, Lazarus. He has been buried in a tomb for four days when Jesus arrives. “Jesus wept,” it says in John ...
