Mission: Nepal 2024

Dispatches: Nepal 2024

Mission: Nepal 2024

Gary Fallesen 0 776

The Climbing For Christ way: returning to remote places time after time, growing relationships, sharing the love of Jesus, praying for the salvation of one – and then another. One at a time for all time. We return to Nepal on our 21st expedition to this Himalayan nation. Check back for daily Dispatches from May 1 to 18.

Mission: Nepal 2024


Gary Fallesen 0 1220

Mission: Nepal 2024 will be Climbing For Christ’s 21st expedition in this Himalayan nation. It is scheduled for May.

Andreas Moritz

Gary Fallesen 0 306

Nationality: German. Occupation: Missionary. Missions with C4C: Nepal 2024, and Peru 2023 and 2024. How long have you climbed? Hiking I started in around 2010, climbing and mountaineering in 2014. Type of climbing you do: Bouldering, some crag sport climbing, some hiking, nowadays unfortunately nearly no mountaineering. Highlight of climbing career: Climbing Cotopaxi in Ecuador (5,897 meters) with a friend who is a guide, and leading teams up Sincholagua in Ecuador (4,899 meters).

Elaine Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 13538

Elaine Fallesen and a widow enjoying the moment in rural Malawi after taking a grand tour of her new home, one of more than three dozen homes for forgotten widows rebuilt through Climbing For Christ in 2017. Nationality: USA. Occupation: Women's and Family Ministry/Communications Director, Climbi...

Gary Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 42364

Nationality: American of Danish descent. Occupation: Missionary. Missions with C4C: Dominican Republic 2005; Haiti 2006, 2007 (twice), 2008, 2009 (twice), 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013; Indonesia 2007, 2010, 2012, 2017, 2018 and 2019; Kilimanjaro 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 201...

Megh Bdr. Gurung

Gary Fallesen 0 8045

Megh on Mission: Nepal 2013 in front of a church in Nepal’s Mid-West that he and Climbing For Christ helped build. Nationality: Nepalese. Occupation: Worker to expand the Kingdom of God and guide leading trekking teams all over Nepal and Tibet. Missions with C4C: Nepal 2012, 2013, 2014, 201...

