DISPATCH: Friday, July 20
This morning we packed up and headed back to Huaraz from Antacocha. As we traveled through many charming villages we saw a number of the people harvesting and threshing their wheat. I couldn’t help but think of the abundant harvest that God is reaping in the mountains of Peru. Not only while we are here, but throughout the year through our missionary to Peru, Jaime.
As we lift our eyes we see that the fields in Peru are truly white for the harvest. Many souls are hungry for the bread of life and thirsting for His living water. Many souls are ready to believe and grow in the Gospel. However, as plentiful as the harvest is in the mountains of Peru and as wonderful as it is to be a part of the reaping, it’s also very sad to see that the laborers are few indeed. We can only imagine the eternal impact that could be made if more were willing to go or if more were willing to support people like Jaime.
“ ‘Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’ ” — Jesus speaking in Matthew 9:38 (NKJV)
— 6:10 p.m. local time