DISPATCH: Sunday, July 22

Gary Fallesen

DISPATCH: Sunday, July 22

We had a very fruitful time of encouragement with the new believers in Hierbabuena this morning. Each of them were given Gospel of John study guides to help them grow in God’s Word.

After our time with the new believers we trekked to the village of Coihuairanan. We shared the Gospel with several of the mountain farmers there. We also prayed over a young man who was suffering from epilepsy as well as an elderly woman who had very bad arthritis. There were many God moments throughout the day, and we were blessed to build a number of strong relationships.

In the evening we showed the Jesus film to many of the people of Coihuairanan. When the film concluded the Gospel was presented and about 25 souls prayed to receive salvation. We then handed out Bibles to those who did not have one. Afterward we enjoyed a sweet time of fellowship with hot tea on a very cold night.

On Monday, we are heading for Chilcabamba. It’s difficult building relationships and then moving on so quickly, but we know that God has called us to make the most of our time here and reach out to many villages. Plus, we know that Jaime will be back soon to help our new brothers and sisters grow in the Lord.

— 11:20 p.m. local time


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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