Friday, March 18

Gary Fallesen

Friday, March 18

The long drive into a rainy night on what turned out to be another 24-hour travel day Thursday was made worthwhile when we walked into the Far & Wide Children's Home classroom to song and joy-filled smiles from our Project 1:27 Malawi orphans.

Damson Samson, who we have been sending to Bible college in Lilongwe, had 60 children greet us. He then translated for us as we spoke to and taught the children. Fifteen of the 60 are full-time residents at Far & Wide and supported by Climbing For Christ, while the others attend the school. Seven of the 15 orphans are sponsored by members and friends of C4C and eight still need monthly sponsorship to defray costs. As soon as all 15 are sponsored we will be adding more orphans to care for here in Migowi.

The children were excited to learn about the 12 disciples during a Bible lesson by Elaine. She also taught them to sing "Praise Ye the Lord." We introduced each of the team, all of whom are disciples of Jesus, too, and then asked them to tell us each of their names. During the disciples study and later, when Bob taught about the Gospel bracelet and we gave each child one to wear, we were impressed with the spiritual depth of the children.

Damson said many of the children would meet with him each night when he was living full-time in Migowi and ask to study the Bible. He told us in front of the class that the students absorbed the Word, like little sponges. This amazed and pleased us.

The team could see why Jesus said to let the children come to Him because they are precious. Shelly was thrilled to meet her sponsor child, 13-year-old Phiri (who goes by her middle name, Esnart), and everyone felt their travel weariness lifted by the energy of the orphans.

“Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
— Proverbs 22:6

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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