Hope for women
Mission Moment (Friday, May 18, 2012)
The work of Save Pakistan was focused on women this week as highlights included the graduation of 17 women from their Hope Sewing Center on Tuesday, May 15, and a special Mother's Day celebration on Sunday, May 13.
Hope Sewing Center Graduation: “The literacy rate among women in the target community was very poor,” said Evangelist Haseeb, the founder and president of Save Pakistan. “The girls may never get the opportunity to go to school due to the poor socioeconomic status of the community. They were also expected to work in order to support the family. Save Pakistan felt that there is a strong need for a skill training program for adolescent girls and women, (who work as) housemaids and sibling caretakers.”
For one year, 17 women were trained in tailoring so they may “earn their livelihood in a dignified way,” Haseeb said. “All the women and girls learned very well and now they could start their small business to earn something for their families. Now they don't need to work in the Muslims homes and they will start their home business, which is very safe.
“They were really thankful to God to provide them resources to get training of tailoring. It really feels good to see them well trained. My heart filled with the great joy and peace to see their faces. God is really good.”
Mother's Day Celebration: Save Pakistan also arranged a Mother's Day celebration with the 50 mothers from their congregation. Haseeb's mother, Pastor Surryia Ishtiaq, shared the word of God and taught about importance of being a mother. Haseeb's father, Pastor Ishtiaq Masih, also delivered a speech about “The Role of Mother.”
Haseeb, pictured above with his mom, also shared some words about Mother's Day. “It was really great experience to me,” he said. “After, we gave some gifts for all mothers to encourage them to be strong and to share love with their children, and then we served the meal to celebrate Christ.”