Jordan Rowley: Starting anew

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Staff

Jordan Rowley: Starting anew

Jordan Rowley, Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator.

It was the most difficult decision I’d made in my entire life – and that’s no exaggeration. A year and a half ago I stepped away from a ministry I’d lovingly labored with for nearly five years. Describing my relationship with Climbing For Christ, I have always been quick to say that when I became a member back in 2008, not only did I become a part of C4C, but C4C became a part of me. I loved reaching out to people in need and ministering alongside Gary Fallesen and so many other beloved brothers and sisters. That’s what made walking away from my position with Climbing For Christ the hardest decision of my life – it was “work” I truly loved with people I truly loved. But, when you feel God leading, you better listen! So I did. Everything seemed to point to me toward stepping out into the unknown. I wasn’t exactly sure where I was headed, but I believed God to be leading me and trusted Him to care for my family and me.

Fast-forward to now: a new year and a new start with Climbing For Christ. Although I’ve been serving in a part-time capacity for just shy of a year, Monday (Jan. 2) marked my first day back with C4C full-time. I couldn’t be more excited. God’s ways are so much higher than ours. I know that He has worked a lot of good through my time away. One of the many positives is a revitalized and refined sense of calling and purpose.  Not long after I began to realize that I was being called back to Climbing For Christ as a full-time, all-in missionary guy, I believe the Lord gave me a word to hold on to. It jumped off the page when I read it months and months ago:

“… perhaps he departed for a while for this purpose, that you might receive him forever.” – Philemon 1:15

So, here we are. None of us know what the future holds, but we do know Who holds the future! I look forward to serving our great God with C4C and watching His plans unfold in the coming days, weeks, months and years! He has more good in store for those who look to Him and trust in Him, as yet another Scripture I’ve clung to reminds us:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” – Proverbs 3:5-6

Amen to that!

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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