Mission: Malawi 2020

Gary Fallesen

Mission: Malawi 2020

Healing rain

God is a Father to the fatherless and a defender of widows. He sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. He is a sender of His people, leading His workers to a sun-scorched land to proclaim His goodness.

We have showered love on orphaned children and long-forgotten widows in Malawi, one of the poorest countries in the world. We have set the captives free in the Mulanje Prison in southern Malawi. We have encouraged the church there and connected a Malawi ministry partner with one of our home churches in the United States, praying and watching that relationship flourish. And our feet have trod the highest places in this country in southeast Africa: Mulanje Massif.

We have been blessed to make disciples of Jesus among the guides and porters who work on Mulanje Massif, a huge, isolated block of mountains covering 245 square miles (640 square kilometers). There are 20 peaks rising above 8,000 feet (2,500 meters) with the highpoint being Sapitwa (9,855 feet/3,002 meters).

Mulanje Massif is unique in a country best described as a narrow elongated plateau with rolling plains, rounded hills, and some mountains. Too few people have discovered these mountains. But a couple of dozen guides and porters who work on Mulanje Massif are equipped to lead the tourists who do come to the Lord.

Our disciples-making-disciples training produced its first graduating class in 2019. We will continue to train and serve alongside these brothers in Christ. We have witnessed the change of lives inside and outside the chapter thanks to their focus on God’s teaching.

We are praying for a way to equip our national worker, Damson Samson, and the local ministry he has started, the Praise Foundation, so they can do the work God has been leading Damson to carry out: caring for hundreds of widows, prison ministry, and serving those in the hospital. Most of these leadings do not fit the primary purpose God has given Climbing For Christ (to GO where others cannot or will not to deliver the Gospel – namely the mountains), but we want to help Damson and the Praise Foundation develop for-profit work that will support the work there.

In addition, we continue to pray for the partnership between Pastor Duncan Nyozani and his Share Hope Foundation in Malawi and Hope Lutheran Church in Rochester, NY, USA.

2020 MISSION: Climbing For Christ will return to Malawi for the seventh time since 2010. This Evangelic Expedition is scheduled in March 2020.

Email info@ClimbingForChrist.org for details and a mission application. Applicants must be members of Climbing For Christ. CLICK HERE to join.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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