Mission Moment: April 9, 2012

Gary Fallesen

Mission Moment: April 9, 2012

There is a great medical need in Haiti. Here's a message from Steve Quakenbush of Cañon City, CO, USA, who has served as the team doctor conducting medical clinics on the past five Evangelic Expeditions to Haiti, including Mission: Haiti 2012 last month:

It was a joy, during our recent trip to Haiti, to learn that Carmen was healed! Carmen was the church member from Thoman who had an end-stage obstructive oral tumor. Thanks to friends of Climbing For Christ, Carmen had been transported to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, for a curative surgical procedure. Carmen was near death, but was saved by God’s grace through the hands of Climbing For Christ. 

In the clinic, during Mission: Haiti 2012, we encountered Saintela Teusaint, another woman with a similar encroaching oral growth. This sister in the Lord is beginning to have trouble swallowing. The fast-growing tumor will soon obstruct her airway and prevent her from swallowing her already meager caloric intake. This already thin woman is losing even more weight.

Carmen’s tumor was benign and curable. Will Saintela’s near identical treatable tumor be her unnecessary demise? Was our appointment with this sister in the Lord an intended divine encounter? Will there be one more needless death in the mountains of Haiti? Or is the Lord again using us to rescue one of His children?

Will you please help Climbing For Christ get this precious soul to the hospital in Santo Domingo for urgent life-saving surgical treatment? Will you be the hands and feet of Jesus to this woman with your prayers and financial support?

God bless you,

Steve Quakenbush
Mission: Haiti 2012

Can you help a Haitian sister in Christ who is slowly being choked to death by a growth in her mouth? Please send your financial gift to Climbing For Christ, c/o “Rescuing Saintela,” P.O. Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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